Tutorial by Examples: application

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"&g...
This is very similar to using an Application subclass and overriding the attachBaseContext() method. However, using this method, you don't need to override attachBaseContext() as this is already done in the MultiDexApplication superclass. Extend MultiDexApplication instead of Application: package...
A commonly used utility library is Lodash. To install it into your Aurelia CLI driven application first you need to install it using Npm. npm install lodash --save Now in your preferred IDE/code editor open up the following file in your project directory: aurelia_project/aurelia.json and scroll do...
private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getCanonicalName()); WebView webView = new WebView(); webEngine = webView.getEngine(); webEngine.setOnAlert(event -> logger.warning(() -> "JS alert: " + event.getData()));
With AspNetCore you can develop the application on any platform including Mac,Linux,Window and Docker. Installation and SetUp Install visual Studio Code from here Add C# extesnion Install dot net core sdk. You can install from here Now you have all the tools available. To develop the applic...
Create an empty directory somewhere ... mkdir HelloWorld cd HelloWorld Then use the built in scaffolding technology to create a Hello World sample dotnet new console -o This command creates two files: HelloWorld.csproj describes the project dependencies, settings, and Target Framework ...
Use the following piece of code to set the badge number from within your application (suppose someNumber has been declared before): Objective-C [UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber = someNumber; Swift UIApplication.shared.applicationIconBadgeNumber = someNumber In order ...
A lot of people who are new to multi-threading think that using threads automatically make an application go faster. In fact, it is a lot more complicated than that. But one thing that we can state with certainty is that for any computer there is a limit on the number of threads that can be run at ...
You can use the heroku create command to create a Heroku application. Each application you deploy to Heroku has its own code base, environment variables, addons, etc. Each Heroku application has a globally unique name. If you try to create a Heroku application whose name is already taken, you will ...
For those of us using Maven as a build system, we can use the Maven Archetype to create a new application. First consult the maven archetype catalog mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://struts.apache.org/ you can use one of the following achetypes: The Blank Convention Archetype (s...
This code uses the top level Application object to minimize the main Excel window. Sub MinimizeExcel() Application.WindowState = xlMinimized End Sub
When an application has not been packaged as an executable JAR, you need to provide the name of an entry-point class on the java command line. Running the HelloWorld class The "HelloWorld" example is described in Creating a new Java program . It consists of a single class called HelloWo...
This is a continuation of the "main class" and "executable JAR" examples. Typical Java applications consist of an application-specific code, and various reusable library code that you have implemented or that has been implemented by third parties. The latter are commonly referr...
use strict; use warnings; use Gtk2 -init; my $window = Gtk2::Window->new(); $window->show(); Gtk2->main(); 0;
Using a Virtual Directory or Nested Application in IIS is a common scenario and most likely one that you'll want to take advantage of when using IISNode. IISNode doesn't provide direct support for Virtual Directories or Nested Applications via configuration so to achieve this we'll need to take adv...
Following example requires that node.js is installed and npm is available. Full working code can be forked from GitHub @ https://github.com/mikkoviitala/angular-grunt-run-local Usually one of the first things you want to do when developing new web application is to make it run locally. Below ...
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule ], declarations: [ AppComponent ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModul...
Create a sample application using spring-boot from spring-boot initializer site. Import the code in your local IDE and run the goal as clean install spring-boot:run -e Go to target folder and check for the jar file. Open your Amazon account or create a new Amazon Account and selec...
If you want to upload .ipa file to itunesconnect without integrating developer account in Xcode and you want to use application loader. then you can generate .ipa with iTunes . Step 1 :- Select device inplace of simulator. Step 2 :- Go to Product -> select Archive Step 3 :- After complited...
In this tutorial , I will explain how to integrate Google's BigQuery API with web application. My web application is going to get the data using BigQuery and plot a graph using d3.js and Javascript. Each project on Google Developers Console has a clientID and you need to copy the clientID and put i...

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