Tutorial by Examples: arch

Vim's standard search commands are / for forward search and ? for backward search. To start a search from normal mode: press /, type your pattern, press <CR> to perform the search. Examples: /foobar<CR> search forward for foobar ?foo\/bar<CR> search backward for ...
In normal mode, move the cursor to any word then press * to search forwards for the next occurrence of the word under the cursor, or press # to search backwards. * or # search for the exact word under the cursor: searching for big would only find big and not bigger. Under the hood, Vim uses a sim...
The commands below execute :command on every line from the first matching from to the first matching to: :/from/,/to/command " from next 'from' to next 'to' :?from?,/to/command " from previous 'from' to next 'to' :?from?,?to?command " from previous 'from' to previous 'to' ...
Find usages / Find usages in file Windows / Linux: Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 OS X / macOS: Option + F7 / Ctrl + F7 Highlight usages in file Windows / Linux: Ctrl + Shift + F7 OS X / macOS: Cmd + Shift + F7 Show usages Windows / Linux: Ctrl + Alt + F7 OS X / macOS: Cmd + Option + F7
Elasticsearch uses a YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) configuration file that can be found inside the default Elasticsearch directory (RPM and DEB installs change this location amongst other things). You can set basic settings in config/elasticsearch.yml: # Change the cluster name. All nodes in ...
add filter method in RecyclerView.Adapter: public void filter(String text) { if(text.isEmpty()){ items.clear(); items.addAll(itemsCopy); } else{ ArrayList<PhoneBookItem> result = new ArrayList<>(); text = text.toLower...
var directories = [ {name: 'users' , parent : null }, {name: 'distalx' , parent : 'users' }, {name: 'guest' , parent : 'users' }, {name: 'shared' , parent : 'users' }, {name: 'documents' , parent : 'distalx' }, {name: 'music' , parent : 'distalx' }, {name: 'desktop' , parent : '...
The following examples will use this class hierarchy: struct A { int m; }; struct B : A {}; struct C : B {}; The conversion from derived class type to base class type is preferred to user-defined conversions. This applies when passing by value or by reference, as well as when converting pointe...
Press controlr and type a pattern. For example, if you recently executed man 5 crontab, you can find it quickly by starting to type "crontab". The prompt will change like this: (reverse-i-search)`cr': man 5 crontab The `cr' there is the string I typed so far. This is an incremental s...
Now it's time to go through the Meteor Cordova Phonegap Integration documentation. Since that documentation was written, XCode and Yosemite have been released, which has caused some hiccups in installation. Here are the steps we had to go through to get Meteor compiled to an iOS device. Upgrade ...
5 Input type search is used for textual search. It will add magnifier symbol next to space for text on most browsers <input type="search" name="googlesearch">
var go = GameObject.Find("NameOfTheObject"); ProsConsEasy to usePerformance degrades along the number of gameobjects in sceneStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors
var go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); ProsConsPossible to search both single objects and entire groupsStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors.Relatively fast and efficientCode is not portable as tags are hard coded in scripts.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject { private static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar' ); private static $has_one = array( 'OtherDataObject' => 'OtherDataObject' ); private static $summary_fields = array( 'Name', 'OtherDat...
There's no built in way to search a list for a particular item. However Programming in Lua shows how you might build a set that can help: function Set (list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end return set end Then you can put your list in the Set and test for m...
ggplot(data = diamonds, aes(x = cut, fill =color)) + geom_bar(stat = "count", position = "dodge") it is possible to obtain an horizontal bar chart simply adding coord_flip() aesthetic to the ggplot object: ggplot(data = diamonds, aes(x = cut, fill =color)) + geom_ba...
Search for all facts involving a pattern in an hypothesis or conclusion: Coq < Search (_ + O). plus_n_O: forall n : nat, n = n + 0 The _ character serves as a wildcard, it can be used multiple times: Coq < Search (S _ <= _). le_S_n: forall n m : nat, S n <= S m -> n <= m le...
Structure for Binary Search Tree (BST) nodes: struct node { int data; node * left; node * right; } Search Algorithm // Check if a value exists in the tree bool BSTSearch(node * current, int value) { if (current->data == value) { return true; } e...
Oozie is developed on a client-server architecture. Oozie server is a Java web application that runs Java servlet container within an embedded Apache Tomcat. Oozie provides three different type of clients to interact with the Oozie server: Command Line, Java Client API and HTTP REST API. Oozie serv...
Suggested max len First, I will mention some common strings that are always hex, or otherwise limited to ASCII. For these, you should specify CHARACTER SET ascii (latin1 is ok) so that it will not waste space: UUID CHAR(36) CHARACTER SET ascii -- or pack into BINARY(16) country_code CHAR(2) CHAR...

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