Tutorial by Examples: boo

To convert a string to boolean use Boolean(myString) or the shorter but less clear form !!myString All strings except the empty string (of length zero) are evaluated to true as booleans. Boolean('') === false // is true Boolean("") === false // is true Boolean('0') === fals...
public class UnsafeLoader { public static Unsafe loadUnsafe() { return Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } } While this example will compile, it is likely to fail at runtime unless the Unsafe class was loaded with the primary classloader. To ensure that happens the JVM should be loaded with...
Boolean(...) will convert any data type into either true or false. Boolean("true") === true Boolean("false") === true Boolean(-1) === true Boolean(1) === true Boolean(0) === false Boolean("") === false Boolean("1") === true Boolean("0") === t...
A commonly used CSS/Javascript library is Bootstrap. To install it into your Aurelia CLI driven application first you need to install it using Npm. npm install bootstrap --save Because Bootstrap has a hard dependency on jQuery, we need to make sure we also have jQuery installed: npm install jqu...
When you use or, it will either return the first value in the expression if it's true, else it will blindly return the second value. I.e. or is equivalent to: def or_(a, b): if a: return a else: return b For and, it will return its first value if it's false, else it r...
We have a sample Spring boot application which stores user data in MongoDB and we are using Rest services to retrieve data First there is a domain class i.e. POJO @Document public class User{ @Id private String id; private String name; } A corresponding repository based on ...
Define: module.config(['$urlMatcherFactoryProvider', function($urlMatcherFactory) { $urlMatcherFactory.type('boolean', { decode: function(val) { return val == true || val == "true" }, encode: function(val) { return val ? 1 : 0; }, equals: function(a, b) { return this.is(...
arr = np.arange(7) print(arr) # Out: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) Comparison with a scalar returns a boolean array: arr > 4 # Out: array([False, False, False, False, False, True, True], dtype=bool) This array can be used in indexing to select only the numbers greater than 4: arr[arr&...
One can select rows and columns of a dataframe using boolean arrays. import pandas as pd import numpy as np np.random.seed(5) df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(5, 5)), columns = list("ABCDE"), index = ["R" + str(i) for i in range(5)]) print (...
Boolean logic expressions, in addition to evaluating to True or False, return the value that was interpreted as True or False. It is Pythonic way to represent logic that might otherwise require an if-else test. And operator The and operator evaluates all expressions and returns the last expressi...
This example hides the red box (border) if the checkbox is not checked by making use of an IValueConverter. Note: The BooleanToVisibilityConverter used in the example below is a built-in value converter, located in the System.Windows.Controls namespace. XAML: <Window x:Class="StackOverflo...
+firstname:john +surname:doe Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is doe. + predix indicates that the search term must occur (AND). +firstname:john -surname:doe Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is not doe. - predix indicates that the search term must not occu...
name:(john doe^5) The ^ indicator can be used to boost a search term to increase it's relevance level meaning that documents containing doe are more relevant than ones containing john
File main.ts (or boot.ts) Consider the examples above: Create the guard (where the Guard is created) and Add guard to route configuration, (where the Guard is configured for route, then APP_ROUTER_PROVIDERS is exported), we can couple the bootstrap to Guard as follows import { bootstrap }...
There are two kinds of boolean operators in Elixir: boolean operators (they expect either true or false as their first argument) x or y # true if x is true, otherwise y x and y # false if x is false, otherwise y not x # false if x is true, otherwise true All of booleans...
var_dump(filter_var(true, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); // true var_dump(filter_var(false, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); // false var_dump(filter_var(1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE)); // true var_dump(filter_var(0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL...
ansible-playbook -i path/to/static-inventory-file -l myhost myplaybook.yml
ansible-playbook -i path/to/dynamic-inventory-script.py -l myhost myplaybook.yml See dynamic inventory for more details.
Keyword for storing the Boolean values true and false. bool is an alias of System.Boolean. The default value of a bool is false. bool b; // default value is false b = true; // true b = ((5 + 2) == 6); // false For a bool to allow null values it must be initialized as a bool?. The default val...
bool literals are either true or false; bool b = true;

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