Tutorial by Examples: cd

Dependencies can be added for a specific product flavor, similar to how they can be added for specific build configurations. For this example, assume that we have already defined two product flavors called free and paid (more on defining flavors here). We can then add the AdMob dependency for the ...
A simple function that does not accept any parameters and does not return any values: func SayHello() { fmt.Println("Hello!") }
A basic struct is declared as follows: type User struct { FirstName, LastName string Email string Age int } Each value is called a field. Fields are usually written one per line, with the field's name preceeding its type. Consecutive fields of the sa...
The srcdoc attribute can be used (instead of the src attribute) to specify the exact contents of the iframe as a whole HTML document. This will yield an IFrame with the text "IFrames are cool!" <iframe srcdoc="<p>IFrames are cool!</p>"></iframe> If the...
Using the following code with the format string yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm.ss, we will receive the following output 2016/04/19 11:45.36 // define the format to use String formatString = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm.ss"; // get a current date object Date date = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); //...
The datetime module contains three primary types of objects - date, time, and datetime. import datetime # Date object today = datetime.date.today() new_year = datetime.date(2017, 01, 01) #datetime.date(2017, 1, 1) # Time object noon = datetime.time(12, 0, 0) #datetime.time(12, 0) # Curr...
While the Java Date class has several constructors, you'll notice that most are deprecated. The only acceptable way of creating a Date instance directly is either by using the empty constructor or passing in a long (number of milliseconds since standard base time). Neither are handy unless you're lo...
Discriminated unions in F# offer a a way to define types which may hold any number of different data types. Their functionality is similar to C++ unions or VB variants, but with the additional benefit of being type safe. // define a discriminated union that can hold either a float or a string type...
Django ORM is a powerful abstraction that lets you store and retrieve data from the database without writing sql queries yourself. Let's assume the following models: class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Book(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max...
It is possible to create a function that accepts objects that implement a specific trait. Static Dispatch fn generic_speak<T: Speak>(speaker: &T) { println!("{0}", speaker.speak()); } fn main() { let person = Person {}; let dog = Dog {}; generic_speak(...
Grand Central Dispatch works on the concept of "Dispatch Queues". A dispatch queue executes tasks you designate in the order which they are passed. There are three types of dispatch queues: Serial Dispatch Queues (aka private dispatch queues) execute one task at a time, in order. They a...
3.0 To run tasks on a dispatch queue, use the sync, async, and after methods. To dispatch a task to a queue asynchronously: let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "myQueueName") queue.async { //do something DispatchQueue.main.async { //this will be called in main t...
git commit -m 'Fix UI bug' --date 2016-07-01 The --date parameter sets the author date. This date will appear in the standard output of git log, for example. To force the commit date too: GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=2016-07-01 git commit -m 'Fix UI bug' --date 2016-07-01 The date parameter accepts t...
XML elements often nest, have data in attributes and/or as character data. The way to capture this data is by using ,attr and ,chardata respectively for those cases. var doc = ` <parent> <child1 attr1="attribute one"/> <child2>and some cdata</child2> </p...
The main methods that are useful with this class are popleft and appendleft from collections import deque d = deque([1, 2, 3]) p = d.popleft() # p = 1, d = deque([2, 3]) d.appendleft(5) # d = deque([5, 2, 3])
In the Project.pro file we add : CONFIG += sql in MainWindow.h we write : #include <QMainWindow> #include <QSql> #include <QDebug> namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget...
Draw samples from a normal (gaussian) distribution # Generate 5 random numbers from a standard normal distribution # (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1) np.random.randn(5) # Out: array([-0.84423086, 0.70564081, -0.39878617, -0.82719653, -0.4157447 ]) # This result can also be achieved with t...
superman-directive.js angular.module('myApp', []) .directive('superman', function() { return { // restricts how the directive can be used restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'superman-template.html', controller: function() { this.message = "I'm superman!&qu...
1. Target a device by serial number Use the -s option followed by a device name to select on which device the adb command should run. The -s options should be first in line, before the command. adb -s <device> <command> Example: adb devices List of devices attached emulator-55...
Creating a custom directive with isolated scope will separate the scope inside the directive from the outside scope, in order to prevent our directive from accidentally change the data in the parent scope and restricting it from reading private data from the parent scope. To create an isolated scop...

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