Tutorial by Examples: databinding

There are two ways you can bind a GridView. You can either manually do it by setting the DataSource property and calling DataBind(), or you can use a DataSourceControl such as a SqlDataSource. Manual Binding Create your GridView: <asp:GridView ID="gvColors" runat="server"&g...
Data Model public class Item { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name){ this.name = name; } } Layout XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout xmlns:an...
Two-way Data-Binding supports the following attributes: ElementPropertiesAbsListViewandroid:selectedItemPositionCalendarViewandroid:dateCompoundButtonandroid:checkedDatePickerandroid:yearandroid:monthandroid:dayEditTextandroid:textNumberPickerandroid:valueRadioGroupandroid:checkedButtonRatingBarand...
<p ng-bind="message"></p> This 'message' has to be attached to the current elements controller's scope. $scope.message = "Hello World"; At a later point of time , even if the message model is updated , that updated value is reflected in the HTML element. When ...
Angular has some magic under its hood. it enables binding DOM to real js variables. Angular uses a loop, named the "digest loop", which is called after any change of a variable - calling callbacks which update the DOM. For example, the ng-model directive attaches a keyup eventListener to...
One should have in mind that: Angular's data binding relies on JavaScript’s prototypal inheritance, thus it's subject to variable shadowing. A child scope normally prototypically inherits from its parent scope. One exception to this rule is a directive which has an isolated scope as it doesn't p...
It's also possible to use data binding within your RecyclerView Adapter. Data model public class Item { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } } XML Layout <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layou...
The Preview pane displays default values for data binding expressions if provided. For example : android:layout_height="@{@dimen/main_layout_height, default=wrap_content}" It will take wrap_content while designing and will act as a wrap_content in preview pane. Another example i...
Databings are essential for working with XAML. The XAML dialect for UWP apps provides a type of binding: the {x:Bind} markup extension. Working with {Binding XXX} and {x:Bind XXX} is mostly equivalent, with the difference that the x:Bind extension works at compile time, which enables better debuggi...
Here is a generic ViewHolder class that you can use with any DataBinding layout. Here an instance of particular ViewDataBinding class is created using the inflated View object and DataBindingUtil utility class. import android.databinding.DataBindingUtil; import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerVi...
Sometimes we need to perform basic operations like hide/show view based on single value, for that single variable we cannot create model or it is not good practice to create model for that. DataBinding supports basic datatypes to perform those oprations. <layout xmlns:android="http://schema...
public void doSomething() { DialogTestBinding binding = DataBindingUtil .inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), R.layout.dialog_test, null, false); Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context); dialog.setContentView(binding.getRoot()); dialog.show(); }
Aspx <asp:DataList runat="server" CssClass="sample" RepeatLayout="Flow" ID="dlsamplecontent" RepeatDirection="Vertical" OnItemCommand="dlsamplecontent_ItemCommand"> <ItemStyle CssClass="tdContainer" /> ...
The whole point of MVVM is to separate layers containing logic from the view layer. On Android we can use the DataBinding Library to help us with this and make most of our logic Unit-testable without worrying about Android dependencies. In this example I'll show the central components for a stupid...
Docs: data binding, attribute binding, binding to array items, computed bindings. Don't forget: Polymer camel-cases properties, so if in JavaScript you use myProperty, in HTML you would use my-property. One way binding: when myProperty changes, theirProperty gets updated: <some-element t...
parent.component.ts: import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'parent-example', templateUrl: 'parent.component.html', }) export class ParentComponent { mylistFromParent = []; add() { this.mylistFromParent.push({"itemName":"Something&...
datepicker-overview-example.html: <md-input-container> <input mdInput [mdDatepicker]="picker" [(ngModel)]="date" placeholder="Choose a date"> <button mdSuffix [mdDatepickerToggle]="picker"></button&gt...
JSON data { "name" : { "first" : "Joe", "last" : "Sixpack" }, "gender" : "MALE", "verified" : false, "userImage" : "keliuyue" } It takes two lines of Java to turn it into a User insta...

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