Tutorial by Examples: defaults

try { StyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "This is the beginning text", null); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\nInserting new line at end of doc", null); MutableAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleCons...
StyledDocuments generally do not implement clone, and so have to copy them in a different way if that is necessary. try { //Initialization DefaultStyledDocument sourceDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); DefaultStyledDocument destDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); ...
Using the AdvancedRTFEditorKit library you can serialize a DefaultStyledDocument to an RTF string. try { DefaultStyledDocument writeDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); writeDoc.insertString(0, "Test string", null); AdvancedRTFEditorKit kit = new AdvancedRTFEditorKit(); ...
To develop an application for iOS, you should start with an application called Xcode. There are other alternative tools you can use, but Xcode is Apple's official tool. Note, however, that it only runs on macOS. The latest official version is Xcode 8.3.3 with Xcode 9 (currently in beta) due to be re...
Most modern distributions will come with BASH (Bourne Again SHell) pre-installed and configured as a default shell. The command (actually an executable binary, an ELF) that is responsible for changing shells in Linux is chsh (change shell). We can first check which shells are already installed and...
While a simple mock returns null (or defaults for primitives) to every call, it is possible to change that behaviour. Dependency mock = Mockito.mock(Dependency.class, new Answer() { @Override public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable { ...
Swift let bundleIdentifier = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier() NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().removePersistentDomainForName(bundleIdentifier) Objective-C NSString *bundleIdentifier = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removePersi...
The simplest way is to use brew: brew install zsh After installation, you may want to set it as your default shell by doing: sudo echo '/usr/local/bin/zsh' >> /etc/shells chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh If you have git, and required command line tools installed you can compile and install ...
There are three modes of XAML bindings exists for either Binding and x:Bind: OneTime: Update happens only once, on initialization of the view during InitializeComponent() call. (ViewModel[sends data when initializing] -> View) OneWay: View is updated when ViewModel changes. But not in the rev...
With the below commands, user's default search_path can be set. Check search path before set default schema. postgres=# \c postgres user1 You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "user1". postgres=> show search_path; search_path ---------------- &q...
SASS gives you the ability to omit any parameter except the ones you want to overwrite of course. Let's take again the default-box example: @mixin default-box ($color: red, $borderColor: blue) { color: $color; border: 1px solid $borderColor; clear: both; display: block; mar...
You can make your plugin customizable by accepting options. $.fn.colourize = function(options) { // This is one method to support default options var style = $.extend({ color: "green", backgroundColor: "white" }, options); // Set the col...
The first step for coding for localization is to create default resources. This step is so implicit that many developers do not even think about it. However, creating default resources is important because if the device runs on an unsupported locale, it would load all of its resources from the defau...
Every application needed to store User Session or User related details inside application in UserDefaults.So we made whole logic inside a Class for managing UserDefaults better way. Swift 3 import Foundation public struct Session { fileprivate static let defaults = UserDefaults.standard ...
set and multiset have default compare methods, but in some cases you may need to overload them. Let's imagine we are storing string values in a set, but we know those strings contain only numeric values. By default the sort will be a lexicographical string comparison, so the order won't match the n...
By leveraging some of the member variables in the GridLayout instance, we can change the margins around the layout, and spacing between cells. In this example we set the following: verticalSpacing = 0 - Sets the vertical spacing between cells to 0px. horizontalSpacing = 20 - Sets the horizontal ...
The following 4 properties are available for PXSelector and PXSegmentMask input controls to define size range for a drop-down window: MinDropWidth: gets or sets the minimum drop-down control width MinDropHeight: gets or sets the minimum drop-down control height MaxDropWidth: gets or sets the ma...
public class DependentScopedClass { //This class has no scoping annotations, so a new instance gets created at every injection point. @Inject public DependentScopedClass(SomeDependency someDependency) { doSomethingWith(someDependency); } } The default scope for...
4.4 Defaults ... ... The default Size depends on the type. For integer it is 8. For float it is 64. For binary it is the size of the specified binary: 1> Bin = << 17/integer, 3.2/float, <<97, 98, 99>>/binary >>. <<17,64,9,153,153,153,153,153,154,97,98,99>...
Clarification of Erlang doc on Bit Syntax: 4.4 Defaults [Beginning omitted: <<3.14>> isn't even legal syntax.] The default Size depends on the type. For integer it is 8. For float it is 64. For binary it is the actual size of the specified binary: 1> Bin = << 17/integ...

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