Tutorial by Examples: diff

Returns an integer (int) value that indicates the difference between the soundex values of two character expressions. Parameters: character expression 1. character expression 2. Both parameters are alphanumeric expressions of character data. The integer returned is the number of chars in th...
Sun / Oracle releases of Java SE come in two forms: JRE and JDK. In simple terms, JREs support running Java applications, and JDKs also support Java development. Java Runtime Environment Java Runtime Environment or JRE distributions consist of the set of libraries and tools needed to run and mana...
Orthogonal to the JRE versus JDK dichotomy, there are two types of Java release that are widely available: The Oracle Hotspot releases are the ones that you download from the Oracle download sites. The OpenJDK releases are the ones that are built (typically by third-party providers) from the Ope...
img{ float:left; width:100px; margin:0 10px; } .div1{ background:#f1f1f1; /* does not create block formatting context */ } .div2{ background:#f1f1f1; overflow:hidden; /* creates block formatting context */ } https://jsfiddle.net/MadalinaTn/qkwwmu6m/2/ Using the o...
\m : Beginning of a word. \M : End of a word. \y : Word boundary. \Y : a point that is not a word boundary. \Z : matches end of data. Documentation: re_syntax
There are no build-in methods for intersection and difference in Sets, but you can still achieve that but converting them to arrays, filtering, and converting back to Sets: var set1 = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]), set2 = new Set([3, 4, 5, 6]); const intersection = new Set(Array.from(set1).filter(x...
Generally execute() command is used for fire and forget calls (without need of analyzing the result) and submit() command is used for analyzing the result of Future object. We should be aware of key difference of Exception Handling mechanisms between these two commands. Exceptions from submit() ar...
When we use @SpringApplicationConfiguration it will use configuration from application.yml [properties] which in certain situation is not appropriate. So to override the properties we can use @TestPropertySource annotation. @TestPropertySource( properties = { "spring...
In most object oriented languages, allocating memory for an object and initializing it is an atomic operation: // Both allocates memory and calls the constructor MyClass object = new MyClass(); In Objective-C, these are separate operations. The class methods alloc (and its historic sibling allo...
Render a white rectangle over an image with the composite operation ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'difference'; The amount of the effect can be controled with the alpha setting // Render the image ctx.globalCompositeOperation='source-atop'; ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); // set the composite...
import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { ZoneId zone1 = ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin"); ZoneId zone2 = ZoneId.of("Brazil/East"); ...
Colored text can be created by passing the text and a font color name to the following function: private String getColoredSpanned(String text, String color) { String input = "<font color=" + color + ">" + text + "</font>"; return input; } The ...
The Java programming language (and its runtime) has undergone numerous changes since its release since its initial public release. These changes include: Changes in the Java programming language syntax and semantics Changes in the APIs provided by the Java standard class libraries. Changes in ...
Rust's coherence rule requires that either the trait or the type for which you are implementing the trait must be defined in the same crate as the impl, so it is not possible to implement Serialize and Deserialize for a type in a different crate directly. The newtype pattern and Deref coercion provi...
ExecutorService ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(50); It is simple and easy to use. It hides low level details of ThreadPoolExecutor. I prefer this one when number of Callable/Runnable tasks are small in number and piling of tasks in unbounded queue does not increase m...
Executors returns different type of ThreadPools catering to specific need. public static ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutor() Creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating off an unbounded queue There is a difference between newFixedThreadPool(1) and newSingleThreadE...
Suppose you have a long list of elements and you are only interested in every other element of the list. Perhaps you only want to examine the first or last elements, or a specific range of entries in your list. Python has strong indexing built-in capabilities. Here are some examples of how to achie...
Sometimes, the latest tagged version of a package is buggy or is missing some required features. Advanced users may wish to update to the latest development version of a package (sometimes referred to as the "master", named after the usual name for a development branch in Git). The benefit...
Accessing the array of calendars To access the array of EKCalendars, we use the calendarsForEntityType method: Swift let calendarsArray = eventStore.calendarsForEntityType(EKEntityType.Event) as! [EKCalendar] Iterating through calendars Just use a simple for loop: Swift for calendar in cale...
twitter-bootstrap-3 has provided four different sizes of buttons Large button btn-lg Default button does not require any btn size Small button btn-sm Extra small button btn-xs <button type="button" class="btn btn-lg">Large button</button> <button type=...

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