Tutorial by Examples: dom

letters = list('abcde') Select three letters randomly (with replacement - same item can be chosen multiple times): np.random.choice(letters, 3) ''' Out: array(['e', 'e', 'd'], dtype='<U1') ''' Sampling without replacement: np.random.choice(letters, 3, replace=False) ''' Out...
Draw samples from a normal (gaussian) distribution # Generate 5 random numbers from a standard normal distribution # (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1) np.random.randn(5) # Out: array([-0.84423086, 0.70564081, -0.39878617, -0.82719653, -0.4157447 ]) # This result can also be achieved with t...
Using the mmap module allows the user to randomly access locations in a file by mapping the file into memory. This is an alternative to using normal file operations. import mmap with open('filename.ext', 'r') as fd: # 0: map the whole file mm = mmap.mmap(fd.fileno(), 0) # print ...
You can rollback and then migrate again using the redo command. This is basically a shortcut that combines rollback and migrate tasks. Run command: 5.0 rake db:migrate:redo 5.0 rails db:migrate:redo You can use the STEP parameter to go back more than one version. For example, to go ba...
The random() function can be used to generate pseudo-random numbers: void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { long randomNumber = random(500); // Generate a random number between 0 and 499 Serial.println(randomNumber); randomNumber = random(100, 1000); // Genera...
let x = true match x with | true -> printfn "x is true" yields a warning C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\Untitled-1(2,7): warning FS0025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. For example, the value 'false' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s). ...
Each domain supported in the app needs to make available its own apple-app-site-association file. If the content served by each domain is different, then the contents of the file will also change to support the respective paths. Otherwise, the same file can be used, but it needs to be accessible at ...
A common usecase for the ready() hook is to access the DOM, e.g. to initiate a Javascript plugin, get the dimensions of an element etc. The problem Due to Vue's asynchronous DOM update mechanism, it's not guaranteed that the DOM has been fully updated when the ready() hook is called. This usually ...
A random forest is a meta estimator that fits a number of decision tree classifiers on various sub-samples of the dataset and use averaging to improve the predictive accuracy and control over-fitting. A simple usage example: Import: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier Define tr...
The Math.random() function should give random numbers that have a standard deviation approaching 0. When picking from a deck of card, or simulating a dice roll this is what we want. But in most situations this is unrealistic. In the real world the randomness tends to gather around an common normal...
import random probability = 0.3 if random.random() < probability: print("Decision with probability 0.3") else: print("Decision with probability 0.7")
Because of security reasons, by default cookies are accessible only on the same domain from which they were set. For example, if you have set a cookie on domain example.com, you cannot get it on domain www.example.com. So if you're planning to use subdomains (i.e. admin.example.com, profile.exampl...
In case of autologin or "remember me" cookie, the same quirks as in case of subdomain cookies are applying. But this time you need to configure user component, setting identityCookie array to desired cookie config. Open you application config file and add identityCookie parameters to use...
Example uses of $(document).ready(): Attaching event handlers Attach jQuery event handlers $(document).ready(function() { $("button").click(function() { // Code for the click function }); }); Run jQuery code after the page structure is created jQuery(function($) ...
Random and ThreadLocalRandom are good enough for everyday use, but they have a big problem: They are based on a linear congruential generator, an algorithm whose output can be predicted rather easily. Thus, these two classes are not suitable for cryptographic uses (such as key generation). One can ...
/** * returns a array of random numbers with no duplicates * @param range the range of possible numbers for ex. if 100 then it can be anywhere from 1-100 * @param length the length of the array of random numbers * @return array of random numbers with no duplicates. */ public static int[] ...
Use DOMContentLoaded when the <script> code interacting with DOM is included in the <head> section. If not wrapped inside the DOMContentLoaded callback, the code will throw errors like Cannot read something of null document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) { ...
genRandom creates a stream of random numbers that has a one in four chance of terminating each time it's called. def genRandom: Stream[String] = { val random = scala.util.Random.nextFloat() println(s"Random value is: $random") if (random < 0.25) { Stream.empty[String] ...
AndroidManifest.xml: <activity android:name="com.example.MainActivity" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <c...
AndroidManifest.xml: <activity android:name="com.example.MainActivity" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <categ...

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