Tutorial by Topics: m

Delphi is a general-purpose language based on an Object Pascal dialect with its roots coming from Borland Turbo Pascal. It comes with its own IDE designed to support rapid application development (RAD). It allows cross-platform native (compiled) application development from a single code base. Cu...
mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [other options] db_name > dumpFileName.sql /// To Backup single database mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [other options] db_name [tbl_name1 tbl_name2 tbl_name2 ...] > dumpFileName.sql /// To Backup one or more tables mysqldump -u [username] -...
millisecondsAndMicrosecondsSincePageLoad = performance.now(); millisecondsSinceYear1970 = Date.now(); millisecondsSinceYear1970 = (new Date()).getTime(); performance.now() is available in modern web browsers and provides reliable timestamps with sub-millisecond resolution. Since Date.now...
This topic provides basic instructions for obtaining credentials for Watson services and provides relevant links for each service and the Watson Developer Cloud SDKs. Watson services homepages: AlchemyLanguage AlchemyData News Conversation Discovery Document Conversion Language Translatio...
ParameterDetailsbuttonSimple payment buttonconfigPayPal configuration object housing our client ID (from application creation) and the environment we want to use (sandbox or live)paymentPayPal payment detailspaymentConfigConfiguration Intent for the payment information and settingsserviceConfigConf...
fun TypeName.extensionName(params, ...) { /* body */ } // Declaration fun <T: Any> TypeNameWithGenerics<T>.extensionName(params, ...) { /* body */ } // Declaration with Generics myObj.extensionName(args, ...) // invocation Extensions are resolved statically. This means that t...
Destructuring is a pattern matching technique that is added to Javascript recently in EcmaScript 6. It allows you to bind a group of variables to a corresponding set of values when their pattern matches to the right hand-side and the left hand-side of the expression. let [x, y] = [1, 2] let ...
ParameterDetailsCameraCaptureSessionA configured capture session for a CameraDevice, used for capturing images from the camera or reprocessing images captured from the camera in the same session previouslyCameraDeviceA representation of a single camera connected to an Android deviceCameraCharacter...
X-macros are a preprocessor-based technique for minimizing repetitious code and maintaining data / code correspondences. Multiple distinct macro expansions based on a common set of data are supported by representing the whole group of expansions via a single master macro, with that macro's replacem...
box-sizing: parameter; ParameterDetailcontent-boxWidth and height of the element only includes content area.padding-boxWidth and height of the element includes content and padding.border-boxWidth and height of the element includes content, padding and border.initialSets the box model to its ...
QML is an acronym that stands for Qt Meta-object Language. It is a declarative programming language that is part of the Qt framework. QML's main purpose is fast and easy creation of user interfaces for desktop, mobile and embedded systems. QML allows seamless integration of JavaScript, either dire...
selector match partialFunction selector match {list of case alternatives) // This is most common form of the above ParameterDetailsselectorThe expression whose value is being pattern-matched.alternativesa list of case-delimited alternatives.
ASDF - Another System Definition Facility ASDF is a tool for specifying how systems of Common Lisp software are made up of components (sub-systems and files), and how to operate on these components in the right order so that they can be compiled, loaded, tested, etc.
To use any of std::map or std::multimap the header file <map> should be included. std::map and std::multimap both keep their elements sorted according to the ascending order of keys. In case of std::multimap, no sorting occurs for the values of the same key. The basic differen...
Lambda-List(format DESTINATION CONTROL-STRING &REST FORMAT-ARGUMENTS)DESTINATIONthe thing to write to. This can be an output stream, t (shorthand for *standard-output*), or nil (which creates a string to write to)CONTROL-STRINGthe template string. It might be a primitive string, or it might con...
docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...] docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...] docker ps [OPTIONS] docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER docker inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE...] In the examples above, whenever container ...

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