Tutorial by Topics: objects

Objects have states and behaviors. Example: A dog has states - color, name, breed as well as behaviors – wagging the tail, barking, eating. An object is an instance of a class. Class − A class can be defined as a template/blueprint that describes the behavior/state that the object of its type suppo...
object = { } object = new Object() object = Object.create(prototype[, propertiesObject]) object.key = value object["key"] = value object[Symbol()] = value object = { key1: value1, "key2": value2, 'key3': value3 } object = { conciseMethod() { … } } object = { [computed(...
Classes and Objects are used to to make your code more efficient and less repetitive by grouping similar tasks. A class is used to define the actions and data structure used to build objects. The objects are then built using this predefined structure. class <ClassName> [ extends <Par...
Cat *cat = [[Cat alloc] init]; // Create cat object of type Cat Dog *dog = [[Dog alloc] init]; // Create dog object of type Dog NSObject *someObject = [NSObject alloc]; [someObject init]; // don’t do this XYZObject *object = [XYZObject new]; // Use new to create objects if NO arguments...
addChild(child) - adds a new item to this object's child tree as the topmost element. addChildAt(child, index) - adds a new item to this object's child tree at a specified position. The bottom-most item has index of 0. getChildAt(index) - returns a child with given index. getChildIndex(child) r...
serialize($object) unserialize($object) All PHP types except for resources are serializable. Resources are a unique variable type that reference "external" sources, such as database connections.
class MyClass{} // curly braces are optional here as class body is empty class MyClassWithMethod {def method: MyClass = ???} new MyClass() //Instantiate object MyObject // Singleton object class MyClassWithGenericParameters[V1, V2](vl: V1, i: Int, v2: V2) class MyClassWithImplicitFieldCreati...
Note: In Python 2, make sure that your class inherits from object (making it a new-style class) in order for all features of properties to be available.
Immutable objects have fixed state (no setters), so all state must be known at object creation time. Although not technically required, it is best practice to make all fields final. This will make the immutable class thread-safe (cf. Java Concurrency in Practice, 3.4.1). The examples show severa...
public static GameObject Find(string name); public static GameObject FindGameObjectWithTag(string tag); public static GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag); public static Object FindObjectOfType(Type type); public static Object[] FindObjectsOfType(Type type); Which method to...
A text object in Vim is another way to specify a chunk of text to operate on. They can be used with operators or in visual mode, instead of motions.
SealedObject sealedObject = new SealedObject(obj, cipher); SignedObject signedObject = new SignedObject(obj, signingKey, signingEngine);

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