Tutorial by Topics: support

JSON - Java Script Object Notation , Postgresql support JSON Data type since 9.2 version. There are some predefined function and operators to access the JSON data. The -> operator returns the key of JSON column. The ->> operator returns the value of JSON Column.
Terms and concepts Screen size Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal. For simplicity, Android groups all actual screen sizes into four generalized sizes: small, normal, large, and extra-large. Screen density The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usu...
PrefixBrowser(s)-webkit-Google Chrome, Safari, newer versions of Opera 12 and up, Android, Blackberry and UC browsers-moz-Mozilla Firefox-ms-Internet Explorer, Edge-o-, -xv-Opera until version 12-khtml-Konquerer Vendor prefixes are used to allow preview support for new CSS functionality where the...
New versions of Ubuntu are released by Canonical every 6 months. Every two years, the release is a Long Term Support version. Support lifespan Normal release - supported for 9 months Long Term Support (LTS) release    • LTS releases for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, and Ubuntu ...
ActiveSupport is a utility gem of general-purpose tools used by the rest of the Rails framework. One of the primary ways it provides these tools is by monkeypatching Ruby's native types. These are referred to as Core Extensions.
ParametersDetailsPixelHeight (System.Int32)The height of the image in units of image pixelsPixelWidth (System.Int32)The width of the image in units of image pixelsPixelFormat (System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat)The width of the image in units of image pixelsPixelsAnything which implements IList<T&...
This topic shows the latest status of NancyFx compatibility with .Net Core. Community support is highly welcome to update this.
Acumatica ERP lets you define attributes for flexible, meaningful classification of an Entity (Lead, Stock/Non-Stock Items Etc.) as required for your company’s specific needs. An attribute is a property that enables you to specify additional information for objects in the system. Attributes are defi...
This function registers features that the theme supports. add_theme_support( $feature ) ParameterDetails$feature(string) The feature being added. List of features to be used in $feature: 'post-formats' 'post-thumbnails' 'html5' 'custom-logo' 'custom-header-uploads' 'custom-head...
In this topic you will learn how to extend the Related Entity Description field with a custom entity for Tasks, Events and Activities.
Not every css property or HTML tag is supported by all email clients and here we can keep track of it & possible work around.
How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS/SSL? We will deploy a 3 Nodes ReplicaSet in your local environment and we will use a self-signed certificate. Do not use a self-signed certificate in PRODUCTION. How to connect your Client to this ReplicaSet? We will connect a Mongo Shell. A descripti...
Many people like working with promises and/or async/await syntax, but when writing a module it would be useful to some programmers to support classic callback style methods as well. Rather than creating two modules, or two sets of functions, or having the programmer promisify your module, your modul...
MVC Frameworks such as Spring MVC are using to create web applications that serve dynamic web pages. Jersey, though known to be a REST Framework, also has support for create dynamic web pages using its MVC module.

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