Tutorial by Topics: tf

The product flavors support the same properties as defaultConfig this is because defaultConfig actually belongs to the ProductFlavor class. This means you can provide the base configuration for all flavors in the defaultConfig {} block, and each flavor can override any of these default values, suc...
ParameterDetails/versionThe version to retrieve. View remarks./allForces all files to be retrieved, not just those that are out-of-date./overwriteOverwrites writable files that are not checked out/forceCombines /all and /overwrite/previewDisplays what would occur, without actually performing the Ge...
Note about XML syntax: As the record is made inside of XML file, you can not leave any tag unclosed as you could in a plain HTML, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." >, Close the link tag instead, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." /> Possible ...
Python is a language meant to be clear and readable without any ambiguities and unexpected behaviors. Unfortunately, these goals are not achievable in all cases, and that is why Python does have a few corner cases where it might do something different than what you were expecting. This section will...
The ^M character stands for a carriage return in Vim (<c-m> or just <CR>). Vim displays this character when at least on line in the file uses LF line endings. In other words, when Vim consider a file to have fileformat=unix but some lines do have carriage returns (CR), the carriage r...
ParameterDetailsfuncpython function, which takes numpy arrays as its inputs and returns numpy arrays as its outputsinplist of Tensors (inputs)Toutlist of tensorflow data types for the outputs of func
REST stands for Representational State Transfer (sometimes spelled "ReST"). It relies on a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications protocol and mostly HTTP protocol is used. It is primarily used to build Web services that are lightweight, maintainable, and scalable. A service ba...
gnuplot -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ... Basic usage can be displayed by typing gnuplot -h $ gnuplot -h Usage: gnuplot [OPTION] ... [FILE] -V, --version -h, --help -p --persist -d --default-settings -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ... -e "command1; command2; ..." gnupl...
There is NO switch statement in python as a language design choice. There has been a PEP (PEP-3103) covering the topic that has been rejected. You can find many list of recipes on how to do your own switch statements in python, and here I'm trying to suggest the most sensible options. Here are a ...
This topic outlines some of the common mistakes made by beginners in Java. This includes any common mistakes in use of the Java language or understanding of the run-time environment. Mistakes associated with specific APIs can be described in topics specific to those APIs. Strings are a special cas...
CTFE is a mechanism which allows the compiler to execute functions at compile time. There is no special set of the D language necessary to use this feature - whenever a function just depends on compile time known values the D compiler might decide to interpret it during compilation. You can also ...
This section provides an overview of what robotframework is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within robotframework, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for robotframework is new, you may need to create initial versions o...

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