Static class properties that are defined with the public
visibility are functionally the same as global variables. They can be accessed from anywhere the class is defined.
class SomeClass {
public static int $counter = 0;
// The static $counter variable can be read/written from anywhere
// and doesn't require an instantiation of the class
SomeClass::$counter += 1;
Functions can also define static variables inside their own scope. These static variables persist through multiple function calls, unlike regular variables defined in a function scope. This can be a very easy and simple way to implement the Singleton design pattern:
class Singleton {
public static function getInstance() {
// Static variable $instance is not deleted when the function ends
static $instance;
// Second call to this function will not get into the if-statement,
// Because an instance of Singleton is now stored in the $instance
// variable and is persisted through multiple calls
if (!$instance) {
// First call to this function will reach this line,
// because the $instance has only been declared, not initialized
$instance = new Singleton();
return $instance;
$instance1 = Singleton::getInstance();
$instance2 = Singleton::getInstance();
// Comparing objects with the '===' operator checks whether they are
// the same instance. Will print 'true', because the static $instance
// variable in the getInstance() method is persisted through multiple calls
var_dump($instance1 === $instance2);