Tutorial by Topics

$foo = 1; $bar = &$foo; // both $foo and $bar point to the same value: 1 $var = 1; function calc(&$var) { $var *= 15; } calc($var); echo $var; While assigning two variables by reference, both variables point to the same value. Take the following example: $foo = 1; $bar = &$fo...
This topic discusses how encryption and decryption works in Android.
$scope : ng.IScope - this is way in typescript to define type for a particular variable.
This section provides an overview of what iphone is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within iphone, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for iphone is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
When you need to check for the presence or position of a substring within a string, VBA offers the InStr and InStrRev functions that return the character position of the substring in the string, if it is present.
VBA has built-in functions for extracting specific parts of strings, including: Left/Left$ Right/Right$ Mid/Mid$ Trim/Trim$ To avoid implicit type conversion onverhead (and therefore for better performance), use the $-suffixed version of the function when a string variable is passed to th...
Espresso Espresso cheat sheet will help you write your tests and what you want to test: https://google.github.io/android-testing-support-library/docs/espresso/cheatsheet/ Also always a good place for reference is the official documentation: https://google.github.io/android-testing-support-l...
A note on structs Instead of sharing protocol implementation with maps, structs require their own protocol implementation.
For a manually-formatted bibliography, there is no need to have citations - \cite - within the document. ParameterDetailthebibliographyThis environment sets the scope for the actual bibliography. It defines a list-like environment within which you can use \bibitem to set a bibliography item....
Type conversion is converting one type of data to another type. It is also known as Type Casting. In C#, type casting has two forms: Implicit type conversion - These conversions are performed by C# in a type-safe manner. For example, are conversions from smaller to larger integral types and conve...
UIUserNotificationSettings.types: UIUserNotificationType // A bitmask of the notification types that your app is allowed to use UIUserNotificationSettings.categories: Set // The app’s registered groups of actions ParameterDescriptionuserInfoA dictionary that contains remote notification inf...
KVC :- Key-Value Coding Normally instance variables are accessed through properties or accessors but KVC gives another way to access variables in form of strings. In this way your class acts like a dictionary and your property name for example “age” becomes key and value that property holds becom...
ParameterDetailsmax-age=31536000Time in seconds. HSTS will be enforced for this future time period.includeSubDomainsHSTS should be applied for this domain and all of its sub-domains.preloadThis domain agrees to be included in a HSTS pre-load list See also MDN - HTTP Strict Transport Security ...

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