Tutorial by Topics

<polyline points="10,5 25,15 20,10" /> ParameterDetailspointsThe points attribute defines a list of points. Each point is defined by a x and a y coordinate in the user coordinate system.stroke-widthWidth of strokestroke-opacityOpacity of strokestroke-dasharray(Optional) Speci...
Firebase is a mobile and web application platform with tools and infrastructure designed to help developers build high-quality apps. Features Firebase Cloud Messaging, Firebase Auth, Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Hosting, Firebase Test Lab for Android, Firebase Crash Reporting. ...
Spring has made it so that configuring an ApplicationContext is extremely flexible. There are numerous ways to apply each type of configuration, and they can all be mixed and matched together nicely. Java configuration is a form of explicit configuration. A @Configuration annotated class is use...
A good explanation of HDFS and how it works. Syntax should contain the commands which maybe use in HDFS.
UNION DISTINCT -- dedups after combining the SELECTs UNION ALL -- non dedup (faster) UNION -- the default is DISTINCT SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... -- is OK, but ambiguous on ORDER BY ( SELECT ... ) UNION ( SELECT ... ) ORDER BY ... -- resolves the ambiguity UNION does not use multiple CP...
+x -x a + b a - b a * b a / b a ^ b a % b 4a sqrt(a)
Examples to get you up and running quickly (and correctly) with ASP.NET WebAPI
Aggregations operations process data records and return computed results. Aggregation operations group values from multiple documents together, and can perform a variety of operations on the grouped data to return a single result. MongoDB provides three ways to perform aggregation: the aggregation p...
keybindings:: ::abbreviation:: Return KeybindingsDetails^Ctrl key!Alt key+Shift key#Windows key{enter}send enter key{tab}send tab key*wildcard, any key can be pressed down~key's native function will not be blocked<symbolspecifies left key (<+ is left shift)>symbolspecifies right k...
Apache Flex is an open source application framework curated by the Apache Foundation. It provides an environment where you can build SWF applications that can then executed on any Flash runtime or compiled with Adobe Air to execute natively on mobile environments (Android, iOS, BlackBerry) and des...
ParameterDetailsfuncpython function, which takes numpy arrays as its inputs and returns numpy arrays as its outputsinplist of Tensors (inputs)Toutlist of tensorflow data types for the outputs of func
:[<range>]g[lobal]/{<pattern>}/[<command>] :[<range>]g[lobal]!/{<pattern>}/[<command>] (inverted) :[<range>]v[global]/{<pattern>}/[<command>] (inverted) Vim's "global" command is used to apply an ex command to every line wher...
Session["Session_Key"] = Obj_Value; HTTP is stateless. ASP.NET session state is a framework that facilitates maintaining state between HTTP page requests. Session differs from the class level variables in its ability to remain available across post-backs and different pages. For ...
REST stands for Representational State Transfer (sometimes spelled "ReST"). It relies on a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications protocol and mostly HTTP protocol is used. It is primarily used to build Web services that are lightweight, maintainable, and scalable. A service ba...

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