Tutorial by Topics

XAML is used in Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows RT and UWP apps. Sharing code or converting code between these is sometimes harder than desirable due to subtle differences between the various XAML dialects. This topic strives to give an overview of these differences with a short explanation. ...
The annotations package includes a number of useful metadata annotations you can decorate your own code with, to help catch bugs. Just add the dependency in the build.gradle file. dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:25.3.1' }
Rails provides view helpers for generating form markup. The date input types including date, datetime, datetime-local, time, month and week do not work in FireFox. input<type="telephone"> only works with Safari 8. input<type="email"> does not work on Safari ...
ParameterDefinition-h, --helpoutput usage information-V, --versionoutput the version number-e, --ejsadd pjs (Embedded JavaScript) templating engine support (defaults to jade, which has been renamed to Pug)--hbsadd handlebars templating engine support-H, --hoganadd hogan.js engine support--gitadd .g...
For HTML lists see html-list. The current list tag-info also mentions a lot about lists of expressions joined by logical (short-circuiting) operators. Lists are a construct provided by, or created in, many programming languages and environments (especially if they provide generics) grouping same...
MySQL, on most machines, uses 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point arithmetic for its calculations. In integer contexts it uses integer arithmetic. RAND() is not a perfect random number generator. It is mainly used to quickly generate pseudorandom numbers
Goes above methods, fields, classes or packages. Starts with /** Each line has an starting * proceding with the comments Ends with */ ParameterDetailsClass specific_@constructor detailExplains the main constructor of the classMethod specific_@return detailDetails about what is returned on...
SKScene represents a single scene in a SpriteKit application. An SKScene is 'presented' into an SKView. SKSpriteNodes are added to the scene to implement the actual sprites. Simple applications may have a single SKScene that contains all the SpriteKit content. More complex apps may have several S...
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; /* It can simply be assigned to a variable */ There is no public standard for the Navigator object, however, all major browsers support it. The navigator.product property cannot be considered a reliable way to get the browser's engine name sinc...
This section provides an overview of what excel-formula is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within excel-formula, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for excel-formula is new, you may need to create initial versions of t...

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