Tutorial by Topics

Used to prevent name collisions when using multiple libraries, a namespace is a declarative prefix for functions, classes, types, etc. namespace identifier(opt) { declaration-seq } inline namespace identifier(opt) { declaration-seq } /* since C++11 */ inline(opt) namespace attribute-specifie...
C++ file I/O is done via streams. The key abstractions are: std::istream for reading text. std::ostream for writing text. std::streambuf for reading or writing characters. Formatted input uses operator>>. Formatted output uses operator<<. Streams use std::locale, e.g., for details ...


empty_set = set() # initialize an empty set literal_set = {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'} # construct a set with 3 strings inside it set_from_list = set(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) # call the set function for a new set set_from_iter = set(x for x in range(30)) # use arbitrary iterables to create a set set_f...
The built-in collections package provides several specialized, flexible collection types that are both high-performance and provide alternatives to the general collection types of dict, list, tuple and set. The module also defines abstract base classes describing different types of collection functi...
AttributeDetailsnameSets the element's name, to be used with an a tag to change the iframe's src.widthSets the element's width in pixels.heightSets the element's height in pixels.srcSpecifies the page that will be displayed in the frame.srcdocSpecifies the content that will be displayed in the fra...
An HTTP cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. bool setcookie( string $name [, string $value = "" [, int $expire = 0 [, string $path = "" [, string $domain = "" [,...
The $ character introduces parameter expansion, command substitution, or arithmetic expansion. The parameter name or symbol to be expanded may be enclosed in braces, which are optional but serve to protect the variable to be expanded from characters immediately following it which could be interprete...
Classes and Objects are used to to make your code more efficient and less repetitive by grouping similar tasks. A class is used to define the actions and data structure used to build objects. The objects are then built using this predefined structure. class <ClassName> [ extends <Par...
MySQL: CREATE TABLE Employees ( Id int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Id), ... ); Others: CREATE TABLE Employees ( Id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ... );
RecyclerView addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration) RecyclerView addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration, int index) ParameterDetailsdecorationthe item decoration to add to the RecyclerViewindexthe index in the list of decorations for this RecyclerView. T...
#include <stdio.h> /* Include this to use any of the following sections */ FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode); /* Open a stream on the file at path with the specified mode */ FILE *freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream); /* Re-open an existing stream on the...
variable.member_var = constant; variable.member_function(); variable_pointer->member_var = constant; variable_pointer->member_function(); Note that the only difference between the struct and class keywords is that by default, the member variables, member functions, and base classe...
std::shared_ptr<ClassType> variableName = std::make_shared<ClassType>(arg1, arg2, ...); std::shared_ptr<ClassType> variableName (new ClassType(arg1, arg2, ...)); std::unique_ptr<ClassType> variableName = std::make_unique<ClassType>(arg1, arg2, ...); // C++14 std::...
See also separate topic on Overload Resolution Ambiguities can occur when one type can be implicitly converted into more than one type and there is no matching function for that specific type. For example: void foo(double, double); void foo(long, long); //Call foo with 2 ints foo(1, 2);...
A vector is a dynamic array with automatically handled storage. The elements in a vector can be accessed just as efficiently as those in an array with the advantage being that vectors can dynamically change in size. In terms of storage the vector data is (usually) placed in dynamically allocated me...
jQuery UI is a JavaScript UI library, built on top of jQuery, offering a set of user interface interactions, effects and widgets. VersionRelease Date1.7.02009-03-061.7.12009-03-191.7.22009-06-121.7.42010-05-041.8.02010-03-231.8.12010-05-041.8.22010-06-071.8.42010-08-101.8.52010-09-171.8.62010-...
A selector is a chain of simple selectors, separated by combinators. Selectors are case insensitive (including against elements, attributes, and attribute values). The universal selector (*) is implicit when no element selector is supplied (i.e. *.header and .header is equivalent). PatternMatche...
UIButton : UIControl intercepts touch events and sends an action message to a target object when it's tapped. You can set the title, image, and other appearance properties of a button. In addition, you can specify a different appearance for each button state. Button Types A button’s type defi...

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