Tutorial by Topics

long_cmd & jobs fg %JOB_ID fg %?PATTERN fg %JOB_ID
When using header("Content-Type: $mimeType"); and image____ to generate only an image to the output, be sure to output nothing else, note even a blank line after ?>. (That can be a difficult 'bug' to track down -- you get no image and no clue as to why.) The general advice is to not...
Microsoft BizTalk Server is a server product for Business Process Management and Enterprise Application Integration, developed by Microsoft. BizTalk enables organizations to integrate their business processes and manage through the exchange of electronic business documents ( such as purchase orde...
An assumption which pops up regularly is that when dealing with English text only, it’s unlikely to encounter characters outside the ASCII character set. To avoid problems with handling Unicode correctly, people are tempted to do things like stripping non-ASCII characters, or removing any accents ...
d3.csv(url[[, row], callback]) d3.tsv(url[[, row], callback]) d3.html(url[, callback]) d3.json(url[, callback]) d3.text(url[, callback]) d3.xml(url[, callback])
You can use '*' as second and third parameter in Phalcon\Acl::allow and Phalcon\Acl::deny methods. This will mean any resource and action respectively. Second argument in Phalcon\Acl::addRole tells from which role inheritance access. You should serialize your ACL to some file or cache ba...
This section provides an overview of what openlayers-3 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within openlayers-3, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for openlayers-3 is new, you may need to create initial versions of thos...
regexp ?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...? regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec ?varName? This topic is not intended to discuss regular expressions themselves. There are many resources on the internet explaining regular expressions and tools to help build regul...
Because all the Schedulers methods are static, unit tests utilizing the RxJava hooks cannot be ran in parallel on the same JVM instance. If they where, one TestScheduler would be removed in the middle of a unit test. That is basically the downside of using the Schedulers class.
FusionCharts Suite XT is a JavaScript charting library that supports both, XML and JSON, for rendering interactive charts, gauges, and maps. The suite comes with 90+ charts and gauges (supporting standard and advanced configurations) and 1100+ maps. It also includes support for server-side wrapper...
A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe way of representing claims that can be exchanged between parties. All JWTs consist of a header and payload, which are JSON hashes. These objects are stringified and Base64-encoded. The encoded header and payload are combined with a digital signature (...
RenderScript is a scripting language that allows you to write high performance graphic rendering and raw computational code. It provides a means of writing performance critical code that the system later compiles to native code for the processor it can run on. This could be the CPU, a multi-core CPU...

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