Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what tableau is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within tableau, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for tableau is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topic...
UIDatePicker does not inherit from UIPickerView, but it manages a custom picker-view object as a subview.
Get-Help is a cmdlet for reading help topics in PowerShell. Read more a TechNet
Excel VBA comes with a comprehensive object model which contains classes and objects that you can use to manipulate any part of the running Excel application. One of the most common objects you'll use is the Application object. This is a top-level catchall that represents the current running insta...
Cassandra security resources CQL: Database roles syntax definition CQL: List of object permissions DataStax Documentation: Internal authentication DataStax Documentation: Internal authorization
Splatting is a method of passing multiple parameters to a command as a single unit. This is done by storing the parameters and their values as key-value pairs in a hashtable and splatting it to a cmdlet using the splatting operator @. Splatting can make a command more readable and allows you to reu...
nopCommerce is an open source eCommerce solution based on ASP.NET MVC 4.0 and MS SQL Server 2008(or higher), with comprehensive features that are easy to use for new online businesses. It has a pluggable architecture that allows additional functionality and presentation elements to be dynamically...
What is recycling in R Recycling is when an object is automatically extended in certain operations to match the length of another, longer object. For example, the vectorised addition results in the following: c(1,2,3) + c(1,2,3,4,5,6) [1] 2 4 6 5 7 9 Because of the recycling, the operatio...
Loaders and plugins make up the building blocks of Webpack. Loaders are typically delegated to a single task and file type. They are easier to setup and usually require less boilerplate code. Plugins, on the other hand, have access to Webpack's internal build system via hooks, and are therefore ...
TextInputLayout was introduced to display the floating label on EditText. The EditText has to be wrapped by TextInputLayout in order to display the floating label. TextInputLayout is a layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the us...
All 4 version are valid, but they exemplify different aspects of a reduction. By default, the first construct using the reduction clause must be preferred. This is only if some issues are explicitly identified that any of the 3 alternatives might be explored.
When To Use BigInteger objects are by their very nature very heavy on RAM. Consequently, they should only be used when absolutely necessary, ie for numbers on a truly astronomical scale. Further to this, all arithmetic operations on these objects are an order of magnitude slower than their pri...
Promises have state, they start as pending and can settle to: fulfilled meaning that the computation completed successfully. rejected meaning that the computation failed. Promise returning functions should never throw, they should return rejections instead. Throwing from a promise returnin...
Promise.all( Iterable<any> | Promise<Iterable<any>> input ) -> Promise This method is useful for when you want to wait for more than one promise to complete. Given an Iterable(arrays are Iterable), or a promise of an Iterable, which produces promises (or a mix of promi...
ClauseParameterprivateComma-separated list of private variablesfirstprivateLike private, but initialized to the value of the variable before entering the looplastprivateLike private, but the variable will get the value corresponding to the last iteration of the loop upon exitreductionreduction oper...
async-await allows asynchronous (means non-blocking, parallel) execution of code. It helps to keep your UI responsive at all times, while running potentially long operations in the background. It is especially useful for I/O operations (like downloading from a server, or reading a file from the H...
// Calling: variable.member_function(); variable_pointer->member_function(); // Definition: ret_type class_name::member_function() cv-qualifiers { body; } // Prototype: class class_name { virt-specifier ret_type member_function() cv-qualifiers virt-speci...

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