Tutorial by Topics

adb push [-p] LOCAL REMOTE adb pull [-a] [-p] REMOTE [LOCAL] ParametersDetailsLOCALA file or directory that is located on the user's computerREMOTEA file or directory that is located on the user's Android device-aAlso copy the file the remote file's timestamp and file mode data-pDisplay tra...
This section provides an overview of what log4j is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within log4j, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for log4j is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. Lo...
Castle Windsor is a mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET and Silverlight. The current release version is 3.3.0, released in May 2014. Refer to the links on the right to download it from GitHub or NuGet. Castle Core version 4.0.0 beta was released in July 2016. To Castle'...
While Django is primarily for web apps it has a powerful and easy to use ORM that can be used for command line apps and scripts too. There are two different approaches that can be used. The first being to create a custom management command and the second to initialize the Django environment at the...
ParameterDetails$addFieldToFilter($field, $condition = null){ string } The field we are adding to the filter.$addFieldToFilter($field, $condition = null){ mixed } The definition of the filter we will use.addAttributeToFilter($attr, $condition = null, $join = 'inner'){ string } The field we are addi...
Curses is a basic terminal ( or character display ) handling module from Python. This can be used to create Terminal based User interfaces or TUIs. This is a python port of a more popular C library 'ncurses'
As a rule of thumb, avoid using double-negations in code. Rubocop says that double negations are unnecessarily complex and can often be replaced with something more readable. Instead of writing def user_exists? !!user end use def user_exists? !user.nil? end
VariableExplanationJUSERIDRandom user idJUSERNAMESpecified login for admin userJUSEREMAILSpecified email for admin userJUSERPASSSpecified password (will be hashed)DBSpecified Database nameDBUSERSpecified Database user for joomlaDBPASSSpecified Database user password for joomlaDBPREFIXSpecified Data...
ParameterDetailstransaction_namefor naming your transaction - useful with the parameter [with mark] which will allow a meaningfull logging -- case-sensitive (!)with mark ['description']can be added to [transaction_name] and will store a mark in the log
wp_insert_post(array $args, bool $wp_error); ParameterDescription$args (Array Required)A Key Value Array of the below elements.$wp_error (Boolean Optional)Return a WP_Error in case of failure. Arguments The next table shows you a list of elements that you can use inside of the first p...
Method: getActive() Return Type: Spreadsheet

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