Tutorial by Topics

// New custom collection var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend(properties, [classProperties]); // New collection instance var collection = new Backbone.Collection([models], [options]); ParameterDetailspropertiesInstance properties.classPropertiesOptional. Properties that exist and...
You can use cucumber as a plugin in QTP and Selenium. The steps in the cucumber scenario are global variables. You can implement once and call many times. Hence reduces the code maintenance, and can reuse the same code when required. Cucumber features are written in the Gherkin language and st...
ParameterDescDataStartFieldspecifies the data source column that contains event start (DateTime)DataStartFieldspecifies the data source column that contains event start (DateTime)DataEndFieldspecifies the data source column that contains event end (DateTime)DataTextFieldspecifies the data soruce co...
One thing to note is that one has to mention custom.css name after the main bootstrap.css , otherwise the values of custom.css won't get actually implemented.
For more information, visit the official Bootstrap documentation located at http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#dropdowns, where the basic HTML usage example is derived from.
Since all Web Components must be self-contained, including all their dependencies, duplicated dependency import would quickly become an issue with script includes. Thus, Web Components (and, by extension, Polymer) use W3C HTML imports for managing component dependencies. These imported HTML files ca...
What is UTF-8? UTF-8 is an encoding, which is variable-length and uses 8-bit code units - that's why UTF-8. In the internet UTF-8 is dominant encoding (before 2008 ASCII was, ehich also can handle any Unicode code point.). Is UTF-8 the same as Unicode? "Unicode" isn't an encoding - i...
See Apple's Documentation here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSMenuItem_Class/

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