Tutorial by Topics

Approval Process is a very amazing feature in Salesforce to automate the business process. An approval process is a set of the steps necessary for a particular record to be approved or rejected by approver or set of approvers. A step can apply to all records included in the process, or just reco...
This validation technique can only be used on inputs that are within a form. Properties must have at least one validation requirement to show highlighting on a failed onSubmit() validation. Data types (other than string) have a hidden data type requirement, so do not require an explicit d...
//Replace firebase values with your app api values import firebase from 'firebase'; componentWillMount() { firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: "yourAPIKey", authDomain: "authDomainNAme", databaseURL: "yourDomainBaseURL", projectId: "yourProjectID", storag...
The whole point of Dependency Injection ( DI ) is to reduce code coupling. Imagine any kind if interaction which involves newing up something like in the "Hard coded dependency example". A big part of writing code is the ability to test it. Every time we new up a new dependency, we mak...
In unix each files has certain permissions like read, write and execute. A user can manipulate the permissions of a file using 'chmod' command. In UNIX, there are three permissions used to grant a certain level of access to a file or folder. For files: Read: Allow the user/group/others to ...
Google Mime types can not be used for the third parameter of Mime Types. Using a Google Mime Type will result in an error that states: Cannot use "DriveApp.createFile()" to create Google MIME types. Please use Advanced Drive Service MimeType.GOOGLE_APPS_SCRIPT MimeType.GOOGLE_DOCS Mi...
If your lazy loaded dependencies require other lazy loaded dependencies make sure you load them in the right order! angular.module('lazy', [ 'alreadyLoadedDependency1', 'alreadyLoadedDependency2', ... { files: [ 'path/to/lazily/loaded/dependency1.js', 'path/to/lazily/loaded/d...
One thing you might consider with any domains in your forest is how many physical vs virtual machines you want to have. Personally I believe that there should be one physical machine per domain. One of the reasons I believe this is because of how the clocks are handled on, specifically in my cas...
When using the Assetic Bundle, according to the Symfony documentation, please be aware of the following: Starting from Symfony 2.8, Assetic is no longer included by default in the Symfony Standard Edition. Before using any of its features, install the AsseticBundle executing this console command in...
Refer the official Data binding documentation from Microsoft.

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