Tutorial by Topics

Object References: UITableView table; TableSource tableSource; bool useRefreshControl = false; UIRefreshControl RefreshControl; List tableItems; TableSource and TableItem are user-defined classes For the complete sample you can fork: https://github.com/adiiaditya/Xamarin.iOS-Samples/tree/m...
Parallel reduction algorithm typically refers to an algorithm which combines an array of elements, producing a single result. Typical problems that fall into this category are: summing up all elements in an array finding a maximum in an array In general, the parallel reduction can be appli...
There are a total of 3 cases of communication between React components: Case 1: Parent to Child communication Case 2: Child to Parent communication Case 3: Not-related components (any component to any component) communication
NameDescriptioncontrollerAsis an alias name, to which variables or functions can be assigned to. @see: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive$injectDependency Injection list, it is resolved by angular and passing as an argument to constuctor functions. While doing the directive in TypeScript,...
This topic is about how to create a <md-card>, which you can use for blog posts and other things. API Documentation: mdCard
LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) consists of the Linux operating system as development environment, the Apache HTTP Server as web server, the MySQL relational database management system (RDBMS) as DB(Data Base) system, and the PHP programming language as Server side (Back End) programming language. LA...
Flayout Navigation Component: https://components.xamarin.com/view/flyoutnavigation
From the docs: "Normalizes the input to have 0-mean and/or unit (1) variance across the batch. This layer computes Batch Normalization as described in [1]. [...] [1] S. Ioffe and C. Szegedy, "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift.&...
I mainly requested this topic because I could not find any information on setting up multiple API routes with the Angular2-In-Memory-Web-Api. Ended up figuring it out myself, and figured this might be helpful to others.
MFC supports worker threads and gui threads (threads with message loops). See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/975t8ks0.aspx for more documentation.
Query.populate(path, [select], [model], [match], [options]) ParameterExplanationpath<Object, String> either the path to populate or an object specifying all parameters[select]<Object, String> Field selection for the population query (can use '-id' to include everything but the id...
add_shortcode( $tag , $func ); ParameterDetails$tag(string) (required) Shortcode tag to be searched in post content$func(callable) (required) Hook to run when shortcode is found The shortcode callback will be passed three arguments: the shortcode attributes, the shortcode content (if any...
There is no href binding in the core KnockoutJS library, which is the reason all examples showcase other features of the library to get the same effect. See also this Stack Overflow question on the same topic.
The usage of ForceLayout in this case Label's and button's size change according to the text inside of them. Therefore when the children are added to layout, their size remains 0 in both width and height. For example: relativeLayout.Children.Add(label, Constraint.RelativeToParent(parent =&g...

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