Tutorial by Topics

From MSDN: Target Build Order Determining the Target Build Order MSBuild determines the target build order as follows: InitialTargets targets are run. Targets specified on the command line by the /target switch are run. If you specify no targets on the command line, then the DefaultTar...
If you are considering to add new methods in Python to use them in RPC from JavaScript, then consider the following options of method decorators: if you've to deal with ids/recordsets then for python method definition choose decorator: @api.multi - to get recordset in your method @api.one - to...
So this is a summary analysis I've done based on the methods listed at How do you define constants in Elixir modules?. I'm posting it for a couple reasons: Most Elixir documentation is quite thorough, but I found this key architectural decision lacking guidance - so I would have requested it as...
Reducers change the application state based on the actions fired. The state is immutable, that means reducers should be pure: for the same input, you should always get the same output. Because of this, mutability is forbidden in reducers.
Monkey patching, while convenient, has some pitfalls that aren't immediately obvious. Most notably, a patch like that in the example pollutes the global scope. If two modules both add Hash#symbolize, only the last module required actually applies its change; the rest are erased. Furthermore, if t...
Deserialized JSON based object "Records" key has one or more actual events Each sub event object contains all information you need to determine what changed ParameterDetailsRecords -> [] -> s3 -> bucket -> nameThe name of the S3 bucketRecords -> [] -> s3 -> o...
MethodDescriptionProvideValueMarkupExtension class has only one method that should be overridden, XAML parser then uses the value provided by this method to evaluate the result of markup extension. A markup extension can be implemented to provide values for properties in an attribute usage, prope...
<Provider store> connect([mapStateToProps], [mapDispatchToProps], [mergeProps], [options]) ArgumentDescriptionstoreRedux storemapStateToPropsUser provided mapping: (state, ownProps) => resultProps
plt.close() # closes the current active figure plt.close(fig) # closes the figure with handle 'fig' plt.close(num) # closes the figure number 'num' plt.close(name) # closes the figure with the label 'name' plt.close('all') # closes all figures

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