Tutorial by Topics

(goog.events dom-element event-type event-handler-function) ;;Creates a Google Closure event listener (.addEventListener dom-element load-event) ;;Creates normal JavaScript event listener. Can be browser specific. All Closure event names can be found in their documentation on the EventType...
The creational patterns aim to separate a system from how its objects are created, composed, and represented. They increase the system's flexibility in terms of the what, who, how, and when of object creation. Creational patterns encapsulate the knowledge about which classes a system uses, but the...
true, : - always return 0 as exit code. false - always returns 1 as exit code.
Firebase Analytics Example. Firebase Console Explanation for each components. Firebase AnalyticsFirebase analytics & It's different componentsFirebase ConsoleHow it works? & How are details shown in the dashboard? This document is very useful for those who are the beginner of the ...
"dependencies": { ... }
Ratio_To_Report ( expr ) OVER ( query_partition_clause )
tput queries the terminfo database for terminal-dependent information. From tput on Wikipedia: In computing, tput is a standard Unix operating system command which makes use of terminal capabilities. Depending on the system, tput uses the terminfo or termcap database, as well as looking into ...
References: RefreshControl: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/refreshcontrol.html ListView: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/listview.html
In Javascript, there is no notion of namespaces and they are very useful to organizes the code in various languages. For javascript they help reduce the number of globals required by our programs and at the same time also help avoid naming collisions or excessive name prefixing. Instead of polluti...
'text' -match 'RegExPattern' 'text' -replace 'RegExPattern', 'newvalue' [regex]::Match("text","pattern") #Single match [regex]::Matches("text","pattern") #Multiple matches [regex]::Replace("text","pattern","newvalue") ...
a, a, b a, b = xs () (a,) (a, b) (a, b...) Tuple{T, U, V} NTuple{N, T} Tuple{T, U, Vararg{V}} Tuples have much better runtime performance than arrays for two reasons: their types are more precise, and their immutability allows them to be allocated on the stack instead of the heap. ...

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