Tutorial by Topics

The COBOL GENERATE statement is an optional statement supported if the compiler includes the Report Writer feature.
The FREE statement frees allocated memory for one or more identifiers, either by POINTER or from a BASED working storage identifier. Use after FREE is illegal.
The much beloved GO TO. COBOL includes named paragraphs and sections, along with other labels, and any of them can be the target of a GO statement.
Rust has no own framework for GUI development. Yet there are many bindings to existing frameworks. The most advanced library binding is rust-gtk. A 'semi' full list of bindings can be found here
The COBOL GOBACK statement is a return. Unlike EXIT PROGRAM, or STOP RUN, GOBACK always returns one level. If the current module is "main", GOBACK will return to the operating system. If the current module is a subprogram, GOBACK will return to the statement after a call.
The conditional expression and selection statement. Use of explicit scope terminators is recommended. COBOL conditional expressions allow shortforms, where the current identifier (and conditional) is assumed through multiple condition tests, unless explicitly given. IF A = 1 OR 2 ... is equi...
From the StackOverflow closure tag: A closure is a first-class function that refers to (closes over) variables from the scope in which it was defined. If the closure still exists after its defining scope ends, the variables it closes over will continue to exist as well. It is sometimes useful...
The INITIALIZE statement sets selected data to specified values. Where category-name is:
The INITIATE statement initializes internal Report Writer control fields. Most of a report writer setup occurs in the DATA DIVISION with very brief PROCEDURE DIVISION statements. Once initialized, GENERATE does all the hard work of control break and paging of reports.
The INSPECT statement is a scan and replace verb in COBOL. Where tallying-phrase is: replacing-phrase is: missing image before-after-phrase is:
The MERGE statement will merge one or more like formatted COBOL data files into a single output file. The programmer can assume control over theOUTPUT PROCEDURE, which uses the RELEASE statement, or use internal COBOL runtime mechanisms with the GIVING clause.
Rust's standard library does not contain any regex parser/matcher, but the regex crate (which is in the rust-lang-nursery and hence semi-official) provides a regex parser. This section of the documentation will provide an overview of how to use the regex crate in common situations, along with in...

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