Tutorial by Topics

on(eventName, handler) - Attaches an event listener with a callback to the object. off(eventName, handler) - Remove the event listener from the object. Calling this function witout any arguments will remove all event listeners on the object. trigger(eventName, optionsopt) - Fires the ...
This section provides an overview of what performance-testing is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within performance-testing, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for performance-testing is new, you may need to create ini...
declare -A assoc_array # without initializing declare -A assoc_array=( [key]="value" [another key]="mind the spaces" [ three spaces ]="all blanks sum up") echo ${assoc_array[@]} # the values echo ${!assoc_array[@]} # the keys
MSDN Date/Time, String and Numeric Functions https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3ca8tfek(v=vs.84).aspx
export PS1="something" # displayes when bash awaits a command to be typed in export PS2="anotherthing" # dsplayed when statement extends to more lines export PS3="question prompt for select statement" # seldomly used prompt for select. First set PS3 to your need...
Conceptual Hierarchy In the SharePoint conceptual hierarchy, site collections contain sites, which in turn contain lists. A site collection (SPSite) has no explicit UI but always contains one root level site (accessible through the RootWeb property) and possibly additional subsites under that r...
Syntax quirks with DataBinding When binding a viewModel function to a property in xml certain function prefixes like get or is are dropped. Eg. ViewModel::getFormattedText on the ViewModel will become @{viewModel.formattedText} when binding it to a property in xml. Similarly with ViewModel::isCon...
Gerrit plugins are not provided compiled. Sources can be download from Gerrit Plugin code site. Nevertheless, you can find compiled version on the community Gerrit compiled plugins website. Install plugin : https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/cmd-plugin-install.html ...
Examples of various ways to have OpenGL objects work with C++ RAII. RAII encapsulation of OpenGL objects has dangers. The most unavoidable is that OpenGL objects are associated with the OpenGL context that created them. So the destruction of a C++ RAII object must be done in a OpenGL context w...

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