Tutorial by Topics

The Windows API is vast, and contains a lot of features. The size of the API is such that no one can know all of it. While there are many resources like StackOverflow, there is no substitute for the official documentation. Examples of Documentation: Topic Overview: Desktop Window Manager Pe...
ActiveModelSerializers, or AMS for short, bring 'convention over configuration' to your JSON generation. ActiveModelSerializers work through two components: serializers and adapters. Serializers describe which attributes and relationships should be serialized. Adapters describe how attributes and...
We might need to modify the attributes before record is created. My use case was encrypting password when user is created. Hooks doc is here http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/v3/docs/hooks/#instance-hooks. It documents the way to use it with a library / function that returns a Promise. But the use ca...
Schemas are used by some connectors (Kafka, RabbitMQ) to turn messages into Java objects and vice-versa.
set is a type of container whose elements are sorted and unique.  multiset is similar, but, in the case of multiset, multiple elements can have the same value. Different styles of C++ have been used in those examples.  Be careful that if you are using a C++98 compiler; some of this code may no...
This sample shows the basic structure of a RESTlet script that is intended to be used to retrieve data from an external system. RESTlets are endpoints that are created to allow communication with external systems.
This documents the use of the System.Web.Mvc.Ajax library. Citing MSDN docs "Each extension method renders an HTML element. The ActionLink method renders an anchor (a) element that links to an action method. The RouteLink method renders an anchor (a) element that links to a URL, which can reso...
Most examples found for F# WPF programming seem to deal with the MVVM pattern, and a few with MVC, but there is next to none that shows properly how to get up and running with "good old" code behind. The code behind pattern is very easy to use for teaching as well as experimentation. It i...
There are several ways of iterating (looping) in Progress ABL.
The Mockito docs have an excellent example of how to provide a sequence of answers for multiple calls to a mock. However, they don't cover how to do that for a method that returns void, other than noting that stubbing void methods require using the do family of methods. Remember, for non-void ...
A deep understanding of how Transaction searches function is crucial knowledge for every NetSuite developer, but the default behaviour of these searches, and controlling that behaviour, can be quite confusing initially. References: NetSuite Help page: "Using Main Line in Transaction Se...
Related topics Date and Time Jumbled notes Date: Stores time as number of days since UNIX epoch on 1970-01-01. with negative values for earlier dates. It is represented as an integer (however, it is not enforced in the internal representation) They are always printed following the ...
Logical is a mode (and an implicit class) for vectors. Shorthand TRUE, FALSE and NA are the only values for logical vectors; and all three are reserved words. T and F can be shorthand for TRUE and FALSE in a clean R session, but neither T nor F are reserved, so assignment of non-default val...
Characters are what other languages call 'string vectors.' Related topics Patterns Regular Expressions (regex) Pattern Matching and Replacement strsplit function Input and output Reading and writing strings
Matrices store data
MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases, thanks to the help of the MEAN stack. Interfacing with a Mongo database from an Express app is quick and easy, once you understand the kinda-wonky query syntax. We'll use Mongoose to help us out. More information can be found here: http://mon...

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