Tutorial by Topics

JIT compilation, or just-in-time compilation, is an alternative approach to interpretation of code or ahead-of-time compilation. JIT compilation is used in the .NET framework. The CLR code (C#, F#, Visual Basic, etc.) is first compiled into something called Interpreted Language, or IL. This is lower...
Android supports all Java 7 language features and a subset of Java 8 language features that vary by platform version. This page describes the new language features you can use, how to properly configure your project to use them and any known issues you may encounter.
Storage class specifiers are keywords that can be used in declarations. They do not affect the type of the declaration, but typically modify the way in which the entity is stored. There are six storage class specifiers, although not all in the same version of the language: auto (until C++11), ...
Function is a series of statements enclosed by "Function" and "End Function" statements. The Function performs an activity and returns control to the caller. When it returns control, it also returns a value to the calling code. You can define a Function in a Class, Structure &a...
In Postgres, cryptographic functions can be unlocked by using pgcrypto module. CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
New features, improvements and changes from Laravel 5.2 to 5.3
Rest based connectors and how to deal with them. We all know Loopback does not provide elegance to REST based connections
This describes how to directly obtain a SqlRowSet using SimpleJdbcCall with a stored procedure in your database that has a cursor output parameter, I am working with an Oracle database, I've attempted to create an example that should work for other databases, my Oracle example details issues with O...
A ProjectReference defines a reference to another project. ParameterDetailsInclude (attribute)Path to project fileProject (metadata)Project GUID, in the form {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}ReferenceOutputAssembly (metadata)Boolean specifying whether the outputs of the project referenced ...
The Vertex Array Object stores how opengl should interpret a set of VBOs. In essence it will let you avoid calling glVertexAttribPointer every time you want to render a new mesh. If you don't want to deal with VAOs you can simply create one and bind it during program initialization and pretend the...
SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which nefarious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker). In this section we will talk about that and its relation with JDBC Statement. ...
Open the directory of your ember.js project, You will find there a file named ember-cli-build.js. You can install Your libraries or plugins using bower, then point the import to the bower_components folder, but if you have a file You want to add, just drag them to the folder of Your project and writ...
Dart-JavaScript interoperability lets us run JavaScript code from our Dart programs. The interoperability is achieved by using the js library to create Dart stubs. These stubs describe the interface we'd like to have with the underlying JavaScript code. At runtime calling the Dart stub will invoke ...
Blender is a free, open-source, 3-dimensional modeling, game building, and rendering software. Blender is written in C and C++. In addition, Blender can be extended with Python scripting. All of the source code of every single previous version since 2003 can be found here: http://download.blende...
Pagination is a common issue with for a lot of mobile apps that need to deal with lists of data. Most of the mobile apps are now starting to take up the "endless page" model, where scrolling automatically loads in new content. CWAC Endless Adapter makes it really easy to use this pattern i...
Genymotion is a fast third-party emulator that can be used instead of the default Android emulator. In some cases it's as good as or better than developing on actual devices!
You need to know basics of Python Programming Language before you start with PyQt. PyQt is a GUI widgets toolkit. It is a Python interface for Qt, one of the most powerful, and popular cross-platform GUI library. PyQt is a blend of Python programming language and the Qt library. Here is an Hello W...
Here are some useful utility functions/methods that can be used as with Array extension for ease of developer to perform certain critical operations on array with help of single line code. Once, current document gets approved, will add so many enhancement for other array utilites also. This is...

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