Tutorial by Topics

Redis provides a string datatype that is used to associate data with a particular key. Redis string are the most basic datatype available in Redis and one of the first datatypes that users learn to work with. Strings are often associated with text data, but Redis strings are more like buffers that ...
The Dll and DllReference plugins allow the code to be split in multiple bundles in a way the bundles can be compiled independently. It is possible to build "vendor" scripts in a library that does not need to be compiled often (ex: React, jQuery, Bootstrap, Fontawesome...) and reference it...
FILESTREAM integrates the SQL Server Database Engine with an NTFS file system by storing varbinary(max) binary large object (BLOB) data as files on the file system. Transact-SQL statements can insert, update, query, search, and back up FILESTREAM data. Win32 file system interfaces provide streaming ...
For some time I've searched for the best way to log requests and response in an ASP.Net Core. I was developing services and one of the requirements was to record request with its response in one record the the database. So many topics out there but none worked for me. it's either for request only, r...
JShell is an interactive REPL for Java added in JDK 9. It allows developers to instantly evaluate expressions, test classes, and experiment with the Java language. Early access for jdk 9 can be obtained from: http://jdk.java.net/9/ $ jshell — Start the JShell REPL jshell> /<command>...
Keybindings are, as a lot of things in Sublime Text, JSON. Make sure you understand how to use them, they're going to save you a lot of time! keys: [list] a list of keystroke to press command: [string] the command to run args: [dict] the argument to pass to the command context: [list] a lis...
As you develop a Django app, there might be situations where you can save a lot of time by just cleaning up and resetting your migrations.
Writing performance benchmarks in java is not as simple as getting System.currentTimeMillis() in the beginning and in the end and calculating the difference. To write valid performance benchmarks, one should use proper tools.
This section provides an overview of what jquery-select2 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within jquery-select2, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for jquery-select2 is new, you may need to create initial versions ...
A list of type conversion in talend with some examples.
Subjects are classes that behave as Observables and observers at the same time. http://reactivex.io/documentation/subject.html
Polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types. Basically, it allows different data types respond to the same function. So, the same function shapes for different data types to accomplish the same behavior. Elixir language has protocols to implement polymorphism w...
The QnA Maker is a free, easy-to-use, REST API- and web-based service that trains AI to respond to users’ questions in a more natural, conversational way. With optimized machine learning logic and the ability to integrate industry-leading language processing, QnA Maker distills semi-structured data ...
This covers single port and dual port memories. Memory type for constant width and depth. type MEMORY_TYPE is array (0 to DEPTH-1) of std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0); Memory type for variable depth and constant width. type MEMORY_TYPE is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_ve...
With classes derived from CustomizationPlug you can utilize capabilities of the Acumatica Customization Platform and execute custom code after the customization project has been published. In this topic you will learn how customization plug-ins can be used to make changes in multiple companies. Mor...
We will use Google API Client Libraries for .NET for this sample. There are other libraries. Please see Google Client Libraries Explained for details. We will use the Cloud Resource Manager API for Creating and Managing Projects. Let's get started. Putting it all together... You should hav...
In this topic you will learn how to change size of the selector drop-down window. Each selector control in Acumatica has a button indicated with a magnifier icon. By clicking this button, users can open a drop-down window showing a list of objects available for selection.
This section provides an overview of what enterprise-architect is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within enterprise-architect, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for enterprise-architect is new, you may need to create...
Zxing library is well known for image processing. Zxing was based on java and .Net module is also available and it can be used in xamarin applications. click here to check official documentation. http://zxingnet.codeplex.com/ I recently used this libarry. Step1: Add ZXing.Net.Mobile component int...

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