Tutorial by Topics

This topic is about working with tables in VBA, and assumes knowledge of Excel Tables. In VBA, or rather the Excel Object Model, tables are known as ListObjects. The most frequently used properties of a ListObject are ListRow(s), ListColumn(s), DataBodyRange, Range and HeaderRowRange.
Angular (commonly referred to as "Angular 2+" or "Angular 2") is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end web framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address all of the parts of the developer's workflow while building c...
The workspace is a programmatic representation of the C# hierarchy that consists of a solution, child projects and child documents. Currently there is no MSBuild workspace that supports a .NET Standard compliant projects. For more information see here.
This example shows how to create a basic express app and then serve AngularJS.
Web Forms For Marketeers is the popular Sitecore module that allows to create forms in Sitecore and customize and extend their behavior using save actions. More information about the module can be found in https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Web_Forms_For_Marketers.aspx
This section describes how central (iOS app) can scan available BLE peripherals and connect with one we are interested in.
CBCentralManager acts as a manager class central side app generally iOS app. which is responsible for bridging communication between peripherals and central.
The Materialize CSS framework has a semantic, 12-column grid system that's incredibly easy to use. The grid helps you layout your page in an ordered, easy fashion.
Cards are a vital part of the Materialize CSS framework, they provide a semantic and beautiful approach to showing content in an understandable way. A basic card Creating a horizontal card Adding a halfway floating action button Card reveal Tabs in cards Different card sizes Card Panel ...
Select never work in Bootstrap Modal follow given steps to use select2 in Bootstrap Model.
Structural design patterns are patterns that describe how objects and classes can be combined and form a large structure and that ease design by identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities. There are seven structural patterns described. They are as follows: Adapter, Bridge, Co...
One of the major parts of the Roslyn compiler is the Syntax API. It exposes the syntax trees the compilers use to understand Visual Basic and C# programs. The Syntax Tree is a Parse Tree in the context of the Roslyn compiler.
When compiling, the compiler will often modify the program to increase performance. This is permitted by the as-if rule, which allows any and all transformations that do not change observable behavior.
Since Mockito 2.x we have the ability to mock final classes and methods.
In my path to studying programming there have been simple, but interesting problems to solve as exercises. One of those problems was to rotate an array(or another collection) by a certain value. Here I will share with you a simple formula to do it.
In contrast to the Syntax API the exposes all kinds of syntax level information, the semantic model gives our code more "meaning" and allows us to answer questions like "What names are in scope at this location?", "What members are accessible from this method?", "W...
It is sometimes useful to get the maven properties, such as the current version, in code. Here are some ways to to it.

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