Tutorial by Topics

In this topic you can find all the information you need about SEO (Search Engine Optimalization)
Scribble is the tool used to create Racket's documentation, and you can document your own packages with it too! When published, their documentation will appear at https://docs.racket-lang.org/, alongside the main Racket documentation. Scribble is implemented as a language for the Racket platform. S...
Spring has JSR303 bean validation support. We can use this to do input bean validation. Seperate validation logic from business logic using JSR303.
To integrate any database with nodejs you need a driver package or you can call it a npm module which will provide you with basic API to connect with the database and perform interactions . Same is true with mssql database , here we will integrate mssql with nodejs and perform some basic queries on...
More examples on how C++ can go wrong. Continuation from Undefined Behavior
Shared Preferences are key-value based XML files. It is located under /data/data/package_name/shared_prefs/<filename.xml>. So a user with root privileges can navigate to this location and can change its values. If you want to protect values in your shared preferences, you can write a simple e...
SAS informats instruct SAS on how to read data from any input location (such as a file, an excel spreadsheet, a named pipe, or even another SAS variable, etc.) into a variable. SAS has just two data types - character and numeric, and each informat is specific to storing the value into either a char...
This post provides steps to use variables (User Variable, Package Parameter and Project Parameter) in the script component and viewing the updated value using Breakpoint and Watch window. ParameterDetailsUserVarIt is like a local variable used inside a package. Its value can be read and modifie...
Shared Preferences are key-value based XML files. It is located under /data/data/package_name/shared_prefs/<filename.xml>. So a user with root privileges can navigate to this location and can change its values. If you want to protect values in your shared preferences, you can write a simple e...
Cron is a task scheduler daemon which runs scheduled tasks at certain intervals. Cron uses a configuration file called crontab, also known as cron table, to manage the scheduling process.
Scalaz is a Scala library for functional programming. It provides purely functional data structures to complement those from the Scala standard library. It defines a set of foundational type classes (e.g. Functor,Monad) and corresponding instances for a large number of data structures.
APCu is a shared memory key-value store for PHP. The memory is shared between PHP-FPM processes of the same pool. Stored data persists between requests.
It is better to use std::shared_mutex than std::shared_timed_mutex. The performance difference is more than double. If you want to use RWLock, you will find that there are two options. It is std::shared_mutex and shared_timed_mutex. you may think std::shared_timed_mutex is just the version 's...
The Archive module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive provides functions for storing files in ZIP archives (Compress-Archive) and extracting them (Expand-Archive). This module is available in PowerShell 5.0 and above. In earlier versions of PowerShell the Community Extensions or .NET System.IO.Compressio...
login heroku login create app heroku create or heroku create your_name clone the example git clone https://github.com/zoutepopcorn/herokuworld cd herokuworld visit app in your browser https://your_name.herokuapp.com/ Optional test it local: heroku local web check: lolhost:5000 ...
This topic focuses on how to get valac running on Windows.
Each database is a collection of different tables and each table contains different data in an organized way. While working with data, most of the times information we need is scattered in more than one table. We need joins/merge to get the desired output. In SAS we use joins while working with Pro...
Memory efficient bitmap caching: This is particularly important if your application uses animations as they will be stopped during GC cleanup and make your application appears sluggish to the user. A cache allows reusing objects which are expensive to create. If you load on object into memory, you...

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