Tutorial by Topics

Magento 2 is an open-source e-commerce platform designed to facilitate the common shopping cart structure for webpages. Compared to earlier versions of Magento, the 2.0 version is more streamlined and performant - eliminating problems with table locking and improving on the checkout system for gue...
empty list constructor [] :: [a] non-empty list constructor (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a] head - returns the first value of a list head :: [a] -> a last - returns the last value of a list last :: [a] -> a tail - returns a list without the first item tail :: [a] -&gt...
index(big, little) length or length() length(string) match(string, regex) split(string, array, separator) split(string, array) sprintf(format, ...) sub(regex, subst, string) sub(regex, subst) gsub(regex, subst) gsub(regex, subst, string) substr(string, start, end) substr(string, start)...
Just like in Java, enum classes in Kotlin have synthetic methods allowing to list the defined enum constants and to get an enum constant by its name. The signatures of these methods are as follows (assuming the name of the enum class is EnumClass): EnumClass.valueOf(value: String): EnumClass Enu...
A route is like mapping a URL to an action (function) in a Controller class. The following topic will focus on creating routes, passing parameters to the Controller class via a route either using YAML or annotation. It's useful to see what is generated by Symfony framework, this one provide to...
A browser's debugging console or web console is generally used by developers to identify errors, understand flow of execution, log data and for many other purpose at runtime. This information is accessed through the console object. void console.log(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]); void console.log(...
pyinstaller [options] script [script ...] | specfile PyInstaller is a module used to bundle python apps in a single package along with all the dependencies. The user can then run the package app without a python interpreter or any modules. It correctly bundles many major packages like numpy...
HTML helpers are methods used to render HTML elements in a view. They are part of the System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper namespace. There are different types of HTML helpers: Standard HTML Helpers: They are used to render normal HTML elements, e.g. Html.TextBox(). Strongly Typed HTML Helpers: These helper...
Backing up the filesystem instead of using pg_dumpall and pg_dump It's very important that if you use this, you call the pg_start_backup() function before and pg_stop_backup() function after. Doing filesystem backups is not safe otherwise; even a ZFS or FreeBSD snapshot of the filesystem backed u...
class Some[+T](value: T) extends Option[T] object None extends Option[Nothing] Option[T](value: T) Constructor to create either a Some(value) or None as appropriate for the value provided.
groovy.util.Node = node.find { childNode -> return true || false } node.append(nodeYouWantAsAChild) groovy.util.Node parsedNode = (new XmlParser()).parseText(someRawXMLString) ''' mutli-line string (not interpolated) ''' The three basic files of an IntelliJ project - the ipr, iws, and...
Model–view–controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern in software design, not a design pattern, which describes a way to structure our application and the responsibilities and interactions for each part in that structure. [1] Historically, MVC was first described in 1979 by Trygve Reenskaug as ...
A graph is a collection of points and lines connecting some (possibly empty) subset of them. The points of a graph are called graph vertices, "nodes" or simply "points." Similarly, the lines connecting the vertices of a graph are called graph edges, "arcs" or "line...

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