Tutorial by Topics: am

With XAMPP you can install a web server on your local pc. It has an Apache web server, the database MariaDB (MySQL) and works with Perl and PHP. After the installation you are able to run and debug e.g. content management systems like WordPress on your local pc. You can use it with Windows, Linux...
Functional programming decomposes a problem into a set of functions. Ideally, functions only take inputs and produce outputs, and don’t have any internal state that affects the output produced for a given input.below are functional techniques common to many languages: such as lambda, map, reduce. ...
This documentation section focuses on developing against the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3). S3 is truly a simple service to interact with. You create S3 "buckets" which can contain zero or more "objects." Once you create a bucket, you can upload files or a...
Amazon Rekognition is a service that makes it easy to add image analysis to your applications. With Rekognition, you can detect objects, scenes, and faces in images. You can also search and compare faces. Rekognition’s API enables you to quickly add sophisticated deep learning-based visual search an...
Accessing rows in a dataframe using the DataFrame indexer objects .ix, .loc, .iloc and how it differentiates itself from using a boolean mask.
This topic shows information on how to prepare your Xamarin.Android app for release mode and how to optimize it.
Parameterization is the creation of different data sets for different users in the same test script. For example, running multiple users with different credentials in the same script. This makes it one of the main aspects in performance tests creation.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has evolved drastically over the past few years. There have been many updates and versions released, with a range of new features and improvements at each stage along the path. During the upgrade of a Dynamics CRM environment, there are a few points to bear in mind to ensure a...
Using Kotlin with Android Studio is an easy task as Kotlin is developed by JetBrains. It is the same company that stands behind IntelliJ IDEA - a base IDE for Android Studio. That is why there are almost none problems with the compatibility. If you want to learn more about Kotlin Programming L...
Accessing network share file using PInvoke.
This provides an overview of the Manifest file for DNN. Manifest files are the files necessary to install and register a module with the DNN framework. The manifest file can be utilized for extensions in DNN besides just Modules. You can have manifest files for Providers, Skins (Themes) and Co...
My mission here is to contribute with the community to help new people who wants to learn about this amazing framework - Hanami. But how it is going to work ? Short and easygoing tutorials showing with examples about Hanami and following the next tutorials we will see how to test our application a...
Pax Exam allows testing of bundles within an OSGi container (e.g. AEM, Apache Karaf). Pax Exam is usually used in conjunction with JUnit.
Here we will see Pro-grammatically calling and using web services in ASP.Net C# . For the purpose you will required to download following ddl which provides you many functions. Download ImportJson from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-2bGoHKJvnOckdPUHVjdFZTcFU This article is very useful for t...
This documentation page describes the four object systems in R and their high-level similarities and differences. Greater detail on each individual system can be found on its own topic page. The four systems are: S3, S4, Reference Classes, and S6.
This example shows how to create a basic express app and then serve AngularJS.
In web pages contain number of frame, selenium consider Frame is seprate window so access the content present into frame need to switch into frame. Many time we need Web structure where we have frame with in frame to navigate within frame windows Selenium provide swithTo() method.
In this guide you can find out steps to load multiple CSV/TXT files from a folder to the database table. Parameter/VaiableDetailsSourceFolderIt is a read only project parameter available and configurable at the deployment. Example of project parameter are Connection Strings, passwords, port no,...

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