Tutorial by Topics: are

SharedPreferences provide a way to save data to disk in the form of key-value pairs. Context Method public SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) Activity Method public SharedPreferences getPreferences() SharedPreferences Methods public SharedPre...
A regular expression is a special sequence of characters that helps in matching or finding other strings or sets of strings, using a specialized syntax held in a pattern. Java has support for regular expression usage through the java.util.regex package. This topic is to introduce and help developers...
let regex = /pattern/[flags] let regex = new RegExp('pattern', [flags]) let ismatch = regex.test('text') let results = regex.exec('text') FlagsDetailsgglobal. All matches (don't return on the first match).mmulti-line. Causes ^ & $ to match the begin/end of each line (not only begin/e...
For many programmers the regex is some sort of magical sword that they throw to solve any kind of text parsing situation. But this tool is nothing magical, and even though it's great at what it does, it's not a full featured programming language (i.e. it is not Turing-complete). What does 'regu...
Terminology The Caret (^) character is also referred to by the following terms: hat control uparrow chevron circumflex accent Usage It has two uses in regular expressions: To denote the start of the line If used immediately after a square bracket ([^) it acts to negate the set of a...
Python makes regular expressions available through the re module. Regular expressions are combinations of characters that are interpreted as rules for matching substrings. For instance, the expression 'amount\D+\d+' will match any string composed by the word amount plus an integral number, separate...
preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject, $limit = -1, $count = 0); preg_replace_callback($pattern, $callback, $subject, $limit = -1, $count = 0); preg_match($pattern, $subject, &$matches, $flags = 0, $offset = 0); preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, &$matches, $flags = PREG_PATTERN...
SharePoint can refer to one or more products from the Microsoft SharePoint family. SharePoint Foundation: This was the underlying technology for all SharePoint sites and is no longer available for SharePoint 2016 SharePoint Server: This is the on-premises version of SharePoint. You can deploy ...
Middleware is a software component that will determine how to process the request and decide whether to pass it to the next component in the application pipeline. Each middleware has a vary specific role and actions to preform on the request.
Regular Expressions (sometimes called regexs or regexps) are a textual syntax which represents the patterns which can be matched in the strings operated upon. Regular Expressions, introduced in c++11, may optionally support a return array of matched strings or another textual syntax defining how to...
Middleware in Django is a framework that allows code to hook into the response / request processing and alter the input or output of Django. Middleware needs to be added to your settings.py MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES list before it will be included in execution. The default list that Django provides ...
The Pandas datareader is a sub package that allows one to create a dataframe from various internet datasources, currently including: Yahoo! Finance Google Finance St.Louis FED (FRED) Kenneth French’s data library World Bank Google Analytics For more information, see here.
To get more information on deploying Laravel project on shared hosting, visit this Github repo.
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:PATTERN options:OPTIONS error:ERROR]; NSArray<NSTextCheckingResult *> *results = [regex matchesInString:STRING options:OPTIONS range:RANGE_IN_STRING]; NSInteger numberOfMatches = [regex numberOfMatchesInString:S...
PREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt EXECUTE stmt_name [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...] {DEALLOCATE | DROP} PREPARE stmt_name
re.findAllIn(s: CharSequence): MatchIterator re.findAllMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Iterator[Match] re.findFirstIn(s: CharSequence): Option[String] re.findFirstMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Option[Match] re.findPrefixMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Option[Match] re.findPrefixOf(s: CharSequence): Option[St...

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