Tutorial by Topics: at

value1 ** value2 pow(value1, value2[, value3]) value1.__pow__(value2[, value3]) value2.__rpow__(value1) operator.pow(value1, value2) operator.__pow__(value1, value2) math.pow(value1, value2) math.sqrt(value1) math.exp(value1) cmath.exp(value1) math.expm1(value1)
The CREATE TABLE statement is used create a new table in the database. A table definition consists of a list of columns, their types, and any integrity constraints. CREATE TABLE tableName( [ColumnName1] [datatype1] [, [ColumnName2] [datatype2] ...] ) ParameterDetailstableNameThe name of the ...
Due to the flaws of rand(), many other default implementations have emerged over the years. Among those are: arc4random() (available on OS X and BSD) random() (available on Linux) drand48() (available on POSIX)
git config [<file-option>] name [value] # one of the more common use cases of git config ParameterDetails--systemEdits the system-wide configuration file, which is used for every user (on Linux, this file is located at $(prefix)/etc/gitconfig)--globalEdits the global configuration fi...
clear: none | left | right | both | inline-start | inline-end; float: left | right | none | inline-start | inline-end; As float implies the use of the block layout, it modifies the computed value of the display values in some cases [1] [1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/We...
Typed Arrays were originally specified by a Khronos editor's draft, and later standardized in ECMAScript 6 §24 and §22.2. Blobs are specified by the W3C File API working draft.
Template literals are a type of string literal that allows values to be interpolated, and optionally the interpolation and construction behaviour to be controlled using a "tag" function. message = `Welcome, ${user.name}!` pattern = new RegExp(String.raw`Welcome, (\w+)!`); query = S...
string date ( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ] ) int strtotime ( string $time [, int $now ] )
data.frame(..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) as.data.frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) # generic function as.data.frame(x, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) # S3 method for cl...
cat [OPTIONS]... [FILE]... OptionDetails-nPrint line numbers-vShow non-printing characters using ^ and M- notation except LFD and TAB-TShow TAB characters as ^I-EShow linefeed(LF) characters as $-eSame as -vE-bNumber nonempty output lines, overrides -n-Aequivalent to -vET-ssuppress repeated ...
Classes, functions, and (since C++14) variables can be templated. A template is a piece of code with some free parameters that will become a concrete class, function, or variable when all parameters are specified. Parameters can be types, values, or themselves templates. A well-known template is std...
A 9-patch image file is a specially formatted file so that Android knows which areas/portions of the image can or cannot be scaled. It breaks your image into a 3x3 grid. The corners remain unscaled, the sides are scaled in one direction and the center is scaled in both dimensions. A Nine Patch ...
ParameterDetailsbillingAgreementAttributesConfiguration object to create the billing agreementbillingPlanBilling plan ID from the query stringbillingPlanAttribsConfiguration object to create the billing planbillingPlanUpdateAttributesConfiguration object for changing a billing plan to an active sta...

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