Tutorial by Topics: co

A detailed explanation is given on oozie data triggered coordinator job with example. Coordinator runs periodically from the start time until the end time. Beginning at start time, the coordinator job checks if input data is available. When the input data becomes available, a workflow is started to...
This topic will provide a comprehensive coverage of basic Unix commands.
The language class in CodeIgniter provides an easy way to support multiple languages for internationalization. To some extent, we can use different language files to display text in many different languages.
:vglobal or :v is the opposite of :global or :g that operates on lines not matching the specified pattern (inverse).
This post provides steps to use variables (User Variable, Package Parameter and Project Parameter) in the script component and viewing the updated value using Breakpoint and Watch window. ParameterDetailsUserVarIt is like a local variable used inside a package. Its value can be read and modifie...
In respect of ionic2 the constructor: in simple terms we use it to create instance of our plugins, services etc. for example: You have a page(view) where you want to show the list of all students, and you have a json file that contains all the students (this file is your data file) what you have to ...
You cannot define more than three conditional formats for a range. Use the Modify method to modify an existing conditional format, or use the Delete method to delete an existing format before adding a new one.
How to use Json.Decode to create custom decoders, for example decoding into union types and user defined data types
It starts to become difficult when we think clojurescript as a functionally pure language, that holds state for it UI components. It is simply, not possible. However, it is possible to separate out individual components as well as their states. We can do it by storing data/state in reagent/atom. Bu...
This section provides an overview of what xcode8 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within xcode8, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for xcode8 is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics....
A UISegmentedControl object is a horizontal control made of multiple segments, each segment functioning as a discrete button. A segmented control affords a compact means to group together a number of controls.
This section lists the common issues & quick fixes developers (especially beginners) face.
NSFetchedResultsController is a connection between core-data table (entity in core-data, table in sqlite) and UITableView. UITableView can be attached to any core-data entity using NSFetchedResultsController and UITableView will be updated as and when core-data updates that entity/table.
2D convolution is computed in a similar way one would calculate 1D convolution: you slide your kernel over the input, calculate the element-wise multiplications and sum them up. But instead of your kernel/input being an array, here they are matrices.
The raycaster component does general intersection testing with a raycaster. Raycasting is the method of extending a line from an origin towards a direction, and checking whether that line intersects with other entites. The raycaster component is a wrapper on top of the three.js raycaster. It checks ...
This section provides an overview of what codeception is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within codeception, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for codeception is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
Things to consider when we want to test our components with: Styles, Templates, Component classes.

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