Tutorial by Topics: comma

There are some means to chain commands together. Simple ones like just a ; or more complex ones like logical chains which run depending on some conditions. The third one is piping commands, which effectively hands over the output data to the next command in the chain.
Make sure that your automation does not use adb kill-server command.
java [ <opt> ... ] <class-name> [ <argument> ... ] java [ <opt> ... ] -jar <jar-file-pathname> [ <argument> ... ] The java command is used for running a Java application from the command line. It is available as a part of any Java SE JRE or JDK....
ParameterDescription-Help | -? | /?Shows the help-File <FilePath> [<Args>]Path to script-file that should be executed and arguments (optional)-Command { - | <script-block> [-args <arg-array>] | <string> [<CommandParameters>] }Commands to be executed followed by a...
While Django is primarily for web apps it has a powerful and easy to use ORM that can be used for command line apps and scripts too. There are two different approaches that can be used. The first being to create a custom management command and the second to initialize the Django environment at the...
:[range]sor[t][!] [b][f][i][n][o][r][u][x] [/{pattern}/] Note: Options [n][f][x][o][b] are mutually exclusive. See sorting in the vim manual for the canonical explanation
true, : - always return 0 as exit code. false - always returns 1 as exit code.
WITH CTE_name (column_name[,...]) AS ( SELECT column_name[,...] FROM base_table UNION ALL SELECT column_name[,...] FROM CTE_name WHERE <recursion limiting condition> ) SELECT column_name[,...] FROM CTE_name
@Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args)
Rust's standard library does not contain a proper argument parser (unlike argparse in Python), instead preferring to leave this to third-party crates. These examples will show the usage of both the standard library (to form a crude argument handler) and the clap library which can parse command-l...
Different ways to create subcommands like in hg or svn with the exact command line interface and help output as shown in Remarks section. Parsing Command Line arguments covers broader topic of arguments parsing. Different ways to create subcommands like in hg or svn with the command line int...
The Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI), formerly known as the Heroku Toolbelt, is a tool for creating and managing Heroku apps from the command line / shell of various operating systems. $ heroku --version $ heroku login $ heroku create
The cut command is a fast way to extract parts of lines of text files. It belongs to the oldest Unix commands. Its most popular implementations are the GNU version found on Linux and the FreeBSD version found on MacOS, but each flavor of Unix has its own. See below for differences. The input lines a...

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