-Help | -? | /? | Shows the help |
-File <FilePath> [<Args>] | Path to script-file that should be executed and arguments (optional) |
-Command { - | <script-block> [-args <arg-array>] | <string> [<CommandParameters>] } | Commands to be executed followed by arguments |
-EncodedCommand <Base64EncodedCommand> | Base64 encoded commands |
-ExecutionPolicy <ExecutionPolicy> | Sets the execution policy for this process only |
-InputFormat { Text | XML} | Sets input format for data sent to process. Text (strings) or XML (serialized CLIXML) |
-Mta | PowerShell 3.0+: Runs PowerShell in multi-threaded apartment (STA is default) |
-Sta | PowerShell 2.0: Runs PowerShell in a single-threaded apartment (MTA is default) |
-NoExit | Leaves PowerShell console running after executing the script/command |
-NoLogo | Hides copyright-banner at launch |
-NonInteractive | Hides console from user |
-NoProfile | Avoid loading of PowerShell profiles for machine or user |
-OutputFormat { Text | XML } | Sets output format for data returned from PowerShell. Text (strings) or XML (serialized CLIXML) |
-PSConsoleFile <FilePath> | Loads a pre-created console file that configures the environment (created using Export-Console ) |
-Version <Windows PowerShell version> | Specify a version of PowerShell to run. Mostly used with 2.0 |
-WindowStyle <style> | Specifies whether to start the PowerShell process as a normal , hidden , minimized or maximized window. |