Tutorial by Topics: comment

Similar to other programming, markup, and markdown languages, comments in HTML provide other developers with development specific information without affecting the user interface. Unlike other languages however, HTML comments can be used to specify HTML elements for Internet Explorer only. This topi...
Some times you need to create extended text documentation from you xml comments. Unfortunatly there is no standard way for it. But there are some separate projects that you can use for this case: Sandcastle Docu NDoc DocFX
/* Comment */ Comments in CSS always start with /* and end with */ Comments cannot be nested
Comment Blocks If you need to comment or uncomment several lines at once, you can use the IDE's Edit Toolbar buttons: Comment Block - Adds a single apostrophe to the start of all selected lines Uncomment Block - Removes the first apostrophe from the start of all selected lines Mult...
// Single line comment (continues until line break) /* Multi line comment */ <!-- Single line comment starting with the opening HTML comment segment "<!--" (continues until line break) --> Single line comment starting with the closing HTML comment segment "-->" ...
The -- style of comment, which requires a trailing space, differs in behavior from the SQL standard, which does not require the space.
// Single-line comment /* Multi-line/In-line comment */ /// Dartdoc comment It is good practice to add comments to your code to explain why something is done or to explain what something does. This helps any future readers of your code to more easily understand your code. Related topic(s...
The most common comment types are line and s-expression comment (using ; and #; respectively). It is common to use from 1 to 3 semi colons depending on the type of comment made. Refer to ???
Comments are used to show information in a batch script. REM &REM :: &:: Goto :Label Comments. You can also use |>< ,etc. :Label
# This is a single line comment print("")  # This is an inline comment """ This is a multi-line comment """ Developers should follow the PEP257 - Docstring Conventions guidelines. In some cases, style guides (such as Google Style Guide ones) or...
Keep the following tips in mind when deciding how to comment your code: You should always write your code as if comments didn't exist, using well chosen variable and function names. Comments are meant to communicate to other human beings, not to repeat what is written in the code. Various php...
(* opens a block comment *) closes a block comment (* and *) must be balanced in number
JSF as a markup language, supports comments of some parts of code, but we have be carefully, because if we use a normal HTML comment code like this: <!-- I want to comment the next button --> <!-- <h:commandButton value="Push" onclick="alert('He...
COMMMENT main purpose is to define or change a comment on database object. Only a single comment(string) can be given on any database object.COMMENT will help us to know what for the particular database object has been defined whats its actual purpose is. The rule for COMMENT ON ROLE is that you m...

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