Tutorial by Topics: de

Dependency Properties are a type of property that extend out a CLR property. Whereas a CLR property is read directly from a member of your class, a Dependency Property will be dynamically resolved when calling the GetValue() method that your object gains via inheritance from the base DependencyObje...
In Powershell, to avoid storing the password in clear text we use different methods of encryption and store it as secure string. When you are not specifying a key or securekey, this will only work for the same user on the same computer will be able to decrypt the encrypted string if you’re not using...
ParameterDetailsdata type (dtype)specifically one of the data types provided by the tensorflow package. E.g. tensorflow.float32data shape (shape)Dimensions of placeholder as list or tuple. None can be used for dimensions that are unknown. E.g. (None,30) would define a (? x 30) dimension placeholder...
convenience init(imageNamed name: String) // Create an SKSpriteNode from a named image in the assets catalogue var position: CGPoint // SKNode property, inherited by SKSpriteNode. The position of the node in the parents co-ordinate system. func addChild(_ node: SKNode) // SKNode method...
class MyClassUsingAnother @Inject() (myOtherClassInjected: MyOtherClass) { (...) } @Singleton class MyClassThatShouldBeASingleton (...)
[ localpart "@" ] domainpart [ "/" resourcepart ] PartCommon UsageLocalpartIdentifies an XMPP entity (optional)DomainpartIdentifies the XMPP serviceResourcepartIdentifies a session of an XMPP entity (optional) XMPP addresses, more commonly known as JIDs (Jabber Identif...
var foo [= value [, foo2 [, foo3 ... [, fooN]]]]; let bar [= value [, bar2 [, foo3 ... [, barN]]]]; const baz = value [, baz2 = value2 [, ... [, bazN = valueN]]]; See also: Reserved Keywords Scope
Content providers manage access to a structured set of data. They encapsulate the data, and provide mechanisms for defining data security. Content providers are the standard interface that connects data in one process with code running in another process. When you want to access data in a content...
Inside a specific node: {path-to-parent}/name()='search string'] Anywhere in the document: //*[name()='search string'] functionreturn valuelocal-name()the node's name without prefix local-name() result does not include prefix (lookup name() XPATH function for it)
Inside a specific node /path to/element[@attribute_name] Anywhere in the document //*[@attribute_name] Inside a specific node with some value /path to/element[@attribute_name='search value'] /path to/element[@attribute_name="search value"] Anywhere in the documen...
Source: What is the difference between a definition and a declaration? Source (For weak and strong symbols): https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspective-2nd/dp/0136108040/

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