Tutorial by Topics: ee

@Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.POSTING) public void onEvent(EventClass event) { } Thread ModeDescriptionThreadMode.POSTINGWill be called on the same thread that the event was posted on. This is the default mode.ThreadMode.MAINWill be called on the main UI thread.ThreadMode.BACKGROUNDW...
sed -I extension - FreeBSD sed (continuous line-counter) sed -I[extension] - NetBSD and Illumos sed (continuous line-counter) sed -i extension - FreeBSD sed sed -i[extension] - NetBSD, OpenBSD, Illumos, BusyBox and GNU sed sed --in-place[=extension] - Illumos, BusyBox, and GNU sed Parame...
Deep links are URLs that take users directly to specific content in your app. You can set up deep links by adding intent filters and extracting data from incoming intents to drive users to the right screen in your app. <data> AttributeDetailsschemeThe scheme part of a URI (case-sensitive)...
The recommended way to structure your applications is dubbed 'the Elm Architecture.' The simplest program consists of a model record storing all data that might be updated, a union type Msg that defines ways your program updates that data, a function update which takes the model and a Msg and retur...
git worktree add [-f] [--detach] [--checkout] [-b <new-branch>] <path> [<branch>] git worktree prune [-n] [-v] [--expire <expire>] git worktree list [--porcelain] ParameterDetails-f --forceBy default, add refuses to create a new working tree when <branch> is a...
When WPF application launched, it could take a while for a current language runtime (CLR) to initialize .NET Framework. As a result, first application window can appear some time after application was launched, depending of application complexity. Splash screen in WPF allows application to show eit...
Figwheel automatically rebuilds your clojurescript code when source files change and reloads code in browser. Reload works without refreshing page and you can preserve some of app's state between reloads by using defonce. It is alternative to REPL-based development (although it includes REPL too)...
NullReferenceException is thrown whenever a variable is empty and one of its method/properties are referenced. To avoid this, be sure all variables are initialized correctly (new operator), and all methods returns a non-null value.
This section provides an overview of what coffeescript is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within coffeescript, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for coffeescript is new, you may need to create initial versions of thos...
addMenu(name, subMenus) NameDescriptionnamethe name of the menu to be createdsubMenusan array of JavaScript maps Usually, you will want to call addMenu from the onOpen function so that the menu is automatically created when the Spreadsheet is loaded. // The onOpen function is executed au...
Google Chrome supports extensions that augment the way the browser works. They can add functionality to web pages or to the browser UI.
Google Spreadsheet or Google Sheets can help you collaborate with teammates! With their built-in chat and many more features, you can edit and complete projects together. With Google Script and functions, mathematical equations can be done within Google Sheets, just like Excel. A cheaper version, ...
NVDA is a free screen reader for Windows, which you can use for testing.

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