Tutorial by Topics: es

A model widely used in traditional statistics is the linear regression model. In this article, the objective is to follow the step-by-step implementation of this type of models. We are going to represent a simple linear regression structure. For our study, we will analyze the age of the children on...
Twilio allows you to send and receive text messages with Node.js by using the twilio-node library to make calls. This guide assumes you've already setup an account with Twilio and have your account SID and the authentication token from the Twilio Console. ParameterDetailstoA valid phone number ...
This topic is based on How to integrate google sign-in, On android apps
This section lists the common issues & quick fixes developers (especially beginners) face.
This topic is about if and else statements.
Here I will explain different index using example, how index increase query performance, how index decrease DML performance etc
NSFetchedResultsController is a connection between core-data table (entity in core-data, table in sqlite) and UITableView. UITableView can be attached to any core-data entity using NSFetchedResultsController and UITableView will be updated as and when core-data updates that entity/table.
This topic provides examples of well known design patterns implemented in PHP.
In Java 8+, a functional interface is an interface that has just one abstract method (aside from the methods of Object). See JLS §9.8. Functional Interfaces.
Bot Framework supports Recognizers. A recognizer is used to recognize what to do whenever a user sends the bot any message. Therefore you can design your bot to recognize intents based on the user input. The recognizer can be used with LUIS API in order to add natural language understanding for the ...
2D convolution is computed in a similar way one would calculate 1D convolution: you slide your kernel over the input, calculate the element-wise multiplications and sum them up. But instead of your kernel/input being an array, here they are matrices.
Parallel execution in appium using selenium GRID concept. Please find step by step process.
Documentation for the Python Requests module in the context of the HTTP POST method and its corresponding Requests function
How to install and work with GitHub Desktop? GitHub Desktop is -as the name implies- an desktop environment for Windows and MacOS which includes the main features of Git like cloning, pushing, pulling (sync in GitHub Desktop), merging... The Desktop clients main purpose is to deliver an easier way...
Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPER or any other design patterns to choose the best approach to building an app
SugarCRM's RESTful API was updated to version 10 in the SugarCRM 7.x releases. As the 7.x versions are built as a single page app, the API is the main means of communication with the server to retrieve data. Third party integrations also can tie in and access the data. The API can also be extended ...
Place to use Jenkins and Sonar for CI

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