Tutorial by Topics: expression

re.findAllIn(s: CharSequence): MatchIterator re.findAllMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Iterator[Match] re.findFirstIn(s: CharSequence): Option[String] re.findFirstMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Option[Match] re.findPrefixMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Option[Match] re.findPrefixOf(s: CharSequence): Option[St...
Another benefit from using braced expression strings is that the byte compiler usually can generate more efficient code (5 - 10x faster) from them.
var regExp = RegExp(r'^(.*)$', multiLine: true, caseSensitive: false); ParameterDetailsString sourceThe regular expression as a String{bool multiline}Whether this is a multiline regular expression. (matches ^ and $ at the beginning and end of each line individually not the whole String){bool...
$ shopt -u option # Deactivate Bash's built-in 'option' $ shopt -s option # Activate Bash's built-in 'option' Character Classes Valid character classes for the [] glob are defined by the POSIX standard: alnum alpha ascii blank cntrl digit graph lower print punct space upper word xdig...
Because regular expressions are limited to either a regular grammar or a context-free grammar, there are many common misuses of regular expressions. So in this topic there are a few example of when you should NOT use regular expressions, but use your favorite language instead. Some people, when...
regexp ?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...? regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec ?varName? This topic is not intended to discuss regular expressions themselves. There are many resources on the internet explaining regular expressions and tools to help build regul...
The function parse convert text and files into expressions. The function eval evaluate expressions.
Regular expressions (also called "regex" or "regexp") define patterns that can be matched against a string. Type ?regex for the official R documentation and see the Regex Docs for more details. The most important 'gotcha' that will not be learned in the SO regex/topics is that mo...
Special Characters *?+[(){}^$|\./

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