Tutorial by Topics: fi

Regular expression patterns are often used with modifiers (also called flags) that redefine regex behavior. Regex modifiers can be regular (e.g. /abc/i) and inline (or embedded) (e.g. (?i)abc). The most common modifiers are global, case-insensitive, multiline and dotall modifiers. However, regex fla...
FTPClient connect(InetAddress host, int port) FTPClient login(String username, String password) FTPClient disconnect() FTPReply getReplyStrings() boolean storeFile(String remote, InputStream local) OutputStream storeFileStream(String remote) boolean setFileType(int fileType) boolean complet...
User defined table types (UDT for short) are data types that allows the user to define a table structure. User defined table types supports primary keys, unique constraints and default values. UDTs have following restrictions - can not be used as a column in a table or a field in a structure...
string source; string destination; ParameterDetailssourceThe file that is to be moved to another location.destinationThe directory in which you would like to move source to (this variable should also contain the name (and file extension) of the file.
request.files['name'] # single required file request.files.get('name') # None if not posted request.files.getlist('name') # list of zero or more files posted CombinedMultiDict((request.files, request.form)) # combine form and file data
ParameterDetailsIFSInternal field separatorfileA file name/path-rPrevents backslash interpretation when used with read-tRemoves a trailing newline from each line read by readarray-d DELIMContinue until the first character of DELIM is read (with read), rather than newline
scp /some/local/directory/file_name user_name@host_name:destination_file_path scp user_name@host_name:origin_file_path /some/local/directory
Other related topics: Firebase
Paths.get(String first, String... more) // Creates a Path instance by its String elements Paths.get(URI uri) // Creates a Path instance by a URI
The properties object-fit and object-position are not supported by Internet Explorer.

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