Tutorial by Topics: for

It is sometimes useful to get the maven properties, such as the current version, in code. Here are some ways to to it.
First we need to know what a MessageBox is... The MessageBox control displays a message with specified text, and can be customised by specifying a custom image, title and button sets (These button sets allow the user to choose more than a basic yes/no answer). By creating our own MessageBox we can...
Laravel requires some folders to be writable for the web server user.
In this guide you can find out steps to load multiple CSV/TXT files from a folder to the database table. Parameter/VaiableDetailsSourceFolderIt is a read only project parameter available and configurable at the deployment. Example of project parameter are Connection Strings, passwords, port no,...
d3 is a powerful library for creating interactive charts; however, that power stems from users having to work at a lower level than other interactive libraries. Consequently many of the examples for d3 charts are designed to demonstrate how to produce a particular thing - e.g. whiskers for a box and...
Creating a simple item with Forge is one of the first tasks an aspiring modder will have to learn. How to do that has changed over the various versions of Minecraft and is probably at a "moderate" difficulty post 1.7.10 due to the sheer number of easy to make mistakes, particularly with ma...
SAS informats instruct SAS on how to read data from any input location (such as a file, an excel spreadsheet, a named pipe, or even another SAS variable, etc.) into a variable. SAS has just two data types - character and numeric, and each informat is specific to storing the value into either a char...
Google Spreadsheets has a powerful add on called Google Forms that allows a web developer to add simple forms easily to web sites in order to collect data from users. This article discusses the way to embed these into a web application. I've also created a Youtube video with a running commentary, ...
You cannot define more than three conditional formats for a range. Use the Modify method to modify an existing conditional format, or use the Delete method to delete an existing format before adding a new one.
ParametersExplanationGLOBALShows the variables as they are configured for the entire server. Optional.SESSIONShows the variables that are configured for this session only. Optional.
When starting with unit-testing all kinds of questions come up: What is unit-testing? What is a SetUp and TearDown? How do I deal with dependencies? Why do unit-testing at all? How do I make good unit tests? This article will answer all these questions, so you can start unit-testing in any languag...
How to create unit test project and unit tests and how to run the unit tests and code coverage tool. In this guide the standard MSTest framework will be used and the standard Code Coverage Analyses tool which are available in Visual Studio. The guide was written for Visual Studio 2015, so it's pos...
MODID = represents the Identifier of the MOD MODPath = stands for the full qualified directory path to your mod folder This topic should contain most used patterns/examples and well tested code for modding the Minecraft application with forge. Maybe this can replace the official ...
Each cell in an Excel spreadsheet can have unique formatting for things such as font, number formatting, color, borders, and alignment. Conditional formatting allows formatting for cells to vary based on data in the spreadsheet. See also Excel rounding and precision. Conditional Formatting a...
Place to use Jenkins and Sonar for CI
This should mirror some of the official Linux kernel docs, and post links to the latest versions of said documents in tovalds/linux on GitHub.com. The idea is to encourage individuals to make use of the MAINTAINERS files, linux-kernel mailing list, git log, and scripts/get-maintainer, so that they a...
Cache has been used for the site or system to improve the content delivery fast for the end-users. This topic is created to explore about Drupal inbuilt caching mechanism and provide info how to use it. We need to explore Drupal's inbuilt caching feature with the external contributed modules like Va...

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