Tutorial by Topics: forms

Xamarin.Forms makes it possible to create iOS, Android, and Windows apps with large amounts of shared code, including UI code or XAML UI markup. App pages and views are mapped to native controls on each platform, but can be customized to provide platform-specific UI or to access platform-specific ...
Rotate Transform transform: rotate(<angle>) Translate Transform transform: translate(<length-or-percentage> [, <length-or-percentage>]?) transform: translateX(<length-or-percentage>) transform: translateY(<length-or-percentage>) Skew Transform transform: skew(&...
Windows Forms ("WinForms" for short) is a GUI class library included with the .NET Framework. It is a sophisticated object-oriented wrapper around the Win32 API, allowing the development of Windows desktop and mobile applications that target the .NET Framework. WinForms is primarily eve...
In order to group input elements and submit data, HTML uses a form element to encapsulate input and submission elements. These forms handle sending the data in the specified method to a page handled by a server or handler. This topic explains and demonstrates the usage of HTML forms in collecting an...
Y = fft(X) %computes the FFT of Vector or Matrix X using a default Transform Length of 256 (to be confirmed for version) Y = fft(X,n) %computes the FFT of X using n as Transform Length, n must be a 2-power based number. If the length of X is less than n, then Matlab will automatically pad X...
void Transform.Translate(Vector3 translation, Space relativeTo = Space.Self) void Transform.Translate(float x, float y, float z, Space relativeTo = Space.Self) void Transform.Rotate(Vector3 eulerAngles, Space relativeTo = Space.Self) void Transform.Rotate(float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngl...
This section provides an overview of what forms is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within forms, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for forms is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Coordinate system 3D transforms are made according to an (x, y, z) coordinate vector system in Euclidean space. The following image shows an example of coordinates in Euclidean space: In CSS, The x axis represents the horizontal (left and right) The y axis represents the vertical (up an...
The navigation on Xamarin.Forms is based on two principal navigation patterns: hierarchical and modal. The hierarchical pattern allows the user to move down in a stack of pages and return pressing the "back"/"up" button. The modal pattern is a interruption page that require a...
In R, tabular data is stored in data frames. This topic covers the various ways of transforming a single table. Helpful packages Reshaping, stacking and splitting with data.table Reshape using tidyr splitstackshape
Form::create($this, __FUNCTION__, $fields, $actions, $validator) // standard form creation Form::create(...)->addExtraClass('my-css-class another-class') // add CSS classes to your Form Form::create(...)->loadDataFrom(Member::get()->byID(1)); // populate a form with the details of an ob...
Form createForm(string|FormTypeInterface $type, mixed $data = null, array $options = array()) FormBuilder createFormBuilder(mixed $data = null, array $options = array()) You can "customize" Event of the process of Form component with a Form Event compatible with Event Dispatcher...
Angular 2 allow to access the ngForm instance by creating a local template variable. Angular 2 exposes directive instances like ngForm by specifying exportAs property of the directive metadata. Now, the advantage here is without much coding you can access the ngForm instance and use it to access s...

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