Tutorial by Topics: framework

Though Node has many framework to help you getting your server up and running, mainly: Express: The most used framework Total: The ALL-IN-ONE UNITY framework, that have everything and do not depend on any other framework or module. But, there is always no one size fits all, so developer may nee...
Phaser is an open source Desktop and Mobile HTML5 game framework primarily. It includes a robust set of documentation, features and examples to get you moving towards a working game quickly. It supports WebGL, via the Pixi.js rendering engine, and includes a Canvas fallback for support on older d...
The open-source, application framework to easily build serverless architectures on AWS Lambda & more. This section includes, how to setup serverless framework for application development with relevant examples. "Serverless" is a framework: https://serverless.com/
Many developers use unit tests to check that their software works as expected. Unit tests check small units of larger pieces of software, and ensure that the outputs match expectations. Testing frameworks make unit testing easier by providing set-up/tear-down services and coordinating the tests. T...
Microsoft Bot Framework is a comprehensive offering to build and deploy high quality bots for your users to enjoy in their favorite conversation experiences. Developers writing bots all face the same problems: bots require basic I/O; they must have language and dialog skills; they must be performa...
Iron is a popular web framework for Rust (based on the lower-level Hyper library) which promotes the idea of extensibility through middleware. Much of the functionality needed to create a useful website can be found in Iron's middleware rather than the library itself.
This Topic is about Multi core programming using Task Parallel Library with .NET framework. The task parallel library allows you to write code which is human readable and adjusts itself with the number of Cores available. So you can be sure that your software would auto-upgrade itself with the upgra...
When you're new to Rails and working on legacy Rails applications, it can be confusing to understand which framework was introduced when. This topic is designed to be the definitive list of all frameworks across Rails versions.

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