Tutorial by Topics: function

When should you use SKActions to perform timer functions? Almost always. The reason for this is because Sprite Kit operates on an update interval, and the speed of this interval can be changed throughout the life time of the process using the speed property. Scenes can also be paused as well. ...
#[link(name = "snappy")] // the foreign library to be linked to (optional) extern { ... } // list of function signatures in the foreign library
add_action( $tag, $function_to_add ) add_action( $tag, $function_to_add, $priority ) add_action( $tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args ) ParameterDetails$tag(string) (Required) The name of the action to which the $function_to_add is hooked$function_to_add(callable) (Required) T...
Stateless functional components in React are pure functions of the passed in props. These components do not rely on state and discard the use of component lifecycle methods. You may, however, still define propTypes and defaultPropts. See https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/reusable-components....
If you are considering to add new methods in Python to use them in RPC from JavaScript, then consider the following options of method decorators: if you've to deal with ids/recordsets then for python method definition choose decorator: @api.multi - to get recordset in your method @api.one - to...
Ratio_To_Report ( expr ) OVER ( query_partition_clause )
widget.after(delay_ms, callback, *args) ParameterDescriptiondelay_msTime (milliseconds) which is delayed the call to the function callbackcallbackFunction that is called after the given delay_ms. If this parameter is not given, .after acts similar to time.sleep (in milliseconds) Syntax ass...
SQL provides several built-in scalar functions. Each scalar function takes one value as input and returns one value as output for each row in a result set. You use scalar functions wherever an expression is allowed within a T-SQL statement. CAST ( expression AS data_type [ ( length ) ] ) CON...
foreach(f, xs) map(f, xs) filter(f, xs) reduce(f, v0, xs) foldl(f, v0, xs) foldr(f, v0, xs) Functions can be accepted as parameters and can also be produced as return types. Indeed, functions can be created inside the body of other functions. These inner functions are known as closures...
The trigger will be associated with the specified table or view and will execute the specified function function_name when certain events occur. Please use below link for complete overview of: Triggers: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-createtrigger.html Trigger Functions...
What does 'const member functions' of a class really means. The simple definition seems to be that, a const member function cannot change the object. But what does 'can not change' really means here. It simply means that you cannot do an assignment for class data members. However, you can do othe...
A function defined with the inline specifier is an inline function. An inline function can be multiply defined without violating the One Definition Rule, and can therefore be defined in a header with external linkage. Declaring a function inline hints to the compiler that the function should be inli...

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