Tutorial by Topics: id

In R, tabular data is stored in data frames. This topic covers the various ways of transforming a single table. Helpful packages Reshaping, stacking and splitting with data.table Reshape using tidyr splitstackshape
[ localpart "@" ] domainpart [ "/" resourcepart ] PartCommon UsageLocalpartIdentifies an XMPP entity (optional)DomainpartIdentifies the XMPP serviceResourcepartIdentifies a session of an XMPP entity (optional) XMPP addresses, more commonly known as JIDs (Jabber Identif...
Content providers manage access to a structured set of data. They encapsulate the data, and provide mechanisms for defining data security. Content providers are the standard interface that connects data in one process with code running in another process. When you want to access data in a content...
Vogella: Unit Testing with JUnit Junit Annotations: java2novice.com Assert Class: junit.org JUnit Api: tutorialspoint.com Anroid testing Medium.com posts
ParameterDetailXmsInitial memory allocateXmxMax memory allocate
This meta post is similar to the python version http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/python/394/meta-documentation-guidelines#t=201607240058406359521. Please make edit suggestions, and comment on those (in lieu of proper comments), so we can flesh out/iterate on these suggestions :)
NameAndroid versionRelease dateAPI-levelBuild.VERSION_CODESAngel Cake (Alpha)1.023 September 20081BASEBattenberg (Beta)1.19 February 20092BASE_1_1Cupcake1.530 April 20093CUPCAKEDonut1.615 September 20094DONUTEclair2.026 October 20095ECLAIR2.0.13 December 20096ECLAIR_0_12.112 January 20107ECLAIR_MR...
Bootstrap's grid system consists of 12 units known as Columns (.col-*-* CSS classes) that are used to layout content left-to-right across the viewport. Columns are contained within Rows (.row CSS class) to create horizontal groups of columns. Rows are placed within a fixed or full-width Container (....
Middleware are classes, that can be assigned to one or more route, and are used to make actions in the early or final phases of the request cycle. We can think of them as a series of layers an HTTP request has to pass through while it's executed A "Before" middleware will executes be...
Types of Intents Explicit Intents Implicit Intents Explicit intent: going to be connected internal world of application, suppose you want to connect one activity to another activity, this can be done by explicit intent. Below is the code snippet demonstrating the connection between first an...
Focus of this document is to represent goals and ways how to write android UI and integration tests. Espresso and UIAutomator are provided by Google so focus should be around these tools and their respective wrappers e.g. Appium, Spoon etc. Idling resource String getName() - Returns the n...
To save the UUID we can use SSKeychainUtility. Example can be found on Github page

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